Předmět, místo, čas... (B1)

Word order (360)

Slovosled anglické věty

Hlavní přehled

Slovosled anglické věty – procvičování:

I met Aline at a café two years ago. She caught my attention immediately.

1. předmět:
2. místo:
at a café
3. čas:
two years ago
S Aline jsem se seznámil před dvěma lety v kavárně. Okamžitě mě zaujala.
I met Aline at a café two years ago. She caught my attention immediately.

O slovosledu (word order) ve větě obecně platí:

Včera si koupil auto.
He bought a car yesterday.
Opatrně ochutnala polévku.
She tasted the soup carefully.
Nikdy nelétají.
They never fly.
Nikdy nesvítí sluníčko.
It's never sunny.
Předmět bývá hned za slovesem
Did you see him at the party yesterday?
Linda speaks German fluently.
I'd like to sell the motorbike soon.

Neříkáme obvykle: Did you see at the party HIM...?; Did you see yesterday HIM...?

Are you going to invite a lot of people to the wedding?

...invite a lot of people to the wedding?
...invite to the wedding a lot of people?
Pozvete na svatbu hodně lidí?
Are you going to invite a lot of people to the wedding?

I'll send you a postcard from every country I go to.

I'll send you a postcard from every country.
I'll bring them a present to London.
I'll buy her a ring tomorrow.
Pošlu ti pohlednici z každé země, do které pojedu.
I'll send you a postcard from every country I go to.
Způsob → místo → čas

Způsob, místo a čas používáme často až za předmětem:

We have to repair the roof (předmět) quickly (způsob).
Let's get something (předmět) at the market (místo).
Did you play soccer (předmět) last Friday (čas)?

Obvykle používáme:

  1. Způsob (quickly, well, happily...)
  2. Místo (on the roof, in Europe, at the airport...)
  3. Čas (at noon, next Monday, in 1999...)
It was raining heavily (způsob) in the morning (čas).
How about we walk slowly (způsob) along the beach (místo)?
We went to Italy (místo) in June (čas).
They worked together closely (způsob) for years (čas).

Jimmy was playing the guitar amazingly last night!

1. předmět:
the guitar
2. způsob:
3. čas:
last night
Jimmy hrál včera večer na kytaru úžasně!
Jimmy was playing the guitar amazingly last night!

I think I left my passport on the train yesterday.

1. předmět:
my passport
2. místo:
on the train
3. čas:
Myslím, že jsem si včera ve vlaku nechal pas.
I think I left my passport on the train yesterday.

Look at the cat. She's resting so peacefully on the sofa.

1. způsob:
so peacefully
2. místo:
on the sofa
Podívejte se na kočku. Odpočívá tak klidně na pohovce.
Look at the cat. She's resting so peacefully on the sofa.

Pro zdůraznění můžeme dát čas na začátek věty:

It gets dark early in winter.
In winter, it gets dark early.
Many shops are closed on Sunday.
On Sunday, many shops are closed.

Next month, Rebecca will be moving into her own flat.

Next month, she'll be moving.
She'll be moving next month.
Příští měsíc se Rebecca bude stěhovat do svého vlastního bytu.
Next month, Rebecca will be moving into her own flat.
She always smiled, she was always, she has always smiled...

Slovíčka četnosti – ALWAYS, NEVER, USUALLY, OFTEN a HARDLY – jsou obvykle blízko slovesa:

Nick always cooks on Sundays.
I have never been to the USA.
What time do you usually get up?
They hardly ever see each other.

ALWAYS, NEVER... používáme před jednoslovným slovesem (cook, work, watch...), ale za slovesem BE:

Nick always cooks on Sundays.
Nick always works from Monday to Friday.
Nick always watches TV before bed.
Nick's always busy.

ALWAYS, NEVER... používáme mezi více slovesy:

Nick has always cooked on Sundays.
Nick should always cook on Sundays.
Does Nick always cook on Sundays?
Obvykle leží na pláži.
She usually lies on the beach.
Obvykle je v bazénu.
She's usually in the pool.
Obvykle si nic nečte.
He doesn't usually read anything.
Obvykle musí hodně pít.
He must usually drink a lot.

Emily is so wrapped up in her work that she hardly takes time to eat and sleep.

Jednoslovné sloveso:
She hardly takes...
She never takes...
She usually studies...
Emily je natolik zabraná do své práce, že si sotva najde čas na jídlo a spánek.
Emily is so wrapped up in her work that she hardly takes time to eat and sleep.

Do you often go surfing at this spot?

Do you often go...?
Have you always surfed...?
Chodíte často surfovat na toto místo?
Do you often go surfing at this spot?

I don't usually spend so much money on clothes, but I have to get this cotton dress.

I don't usually spend...
I don't often spend...
I never spend...
Obvykle za oblečení neutrácím tolik peněz, ale tyhle bavlněné šaty si musím pořídit.
I don't usually spend so much money on clothes, but I have to get this cotton dress.

Stejně jako ALWAYS, NEVER... používáme např. také PROBABLY, ALSO, ALMOST a DEFINITELY:

She probably travels very often.
She's also a musician.
She's almost spilled the coffee.
She'll be definitely waiting at the airport.

PROBABLY bývá před záporem:

I probably won't be able to help you.
I will probably not be able to help you.
Pravděpodobně chodí do posilovny.
He probably goes to the gym.
Máme také mapu.
We also have a map.
Mám téměř sbaleno.
I'm almost packed.
Určitě ho musíš ochutnat!
You must definitely try it!

I'm also in New York. How about we meet up next week?

Sloveso BE:
I'm also...
I also am...
Jsem také v New Yorku. Co kdybychom se sešli příští týden?
I'm also in New York. How about we meet up next week?

Don't bother calling Cindy. She will probably not pick up.

She will probably not pick up.
She probably won't pick up.
Neobtěžuj se volat Cindy. Stejně to asi nezvedne.
Don't bother calling Cindy. She will probably not pick up.
They both smiled, they were both, they have both smiled...

ALL a BOTH používáme obvykle stejně jako ALWAYS, NEVER...:

We all went to the pub.
My children are both teenagers.
Tim and Karen have both been to Bali.
They'll all leave soon.
Všechny jste hrály skvěle!
You all played great!
Oba moji kolegové jsou Irové.
My colleagues are both Irish.

Mark and Robin are both good friends of mine. They both lived with me in Sydney.

They both are are both...
They lived both both lived...
Mark a Robin jsou moji dobří přátelé. Oba se mnou bydleli v Sydney.
Mark and Robin are both good friends of mine. They both lived with me in Sydney.

Did you all spend your last day at the river together?

Did you spend all all spend...?
Strávili jste všichni společně poslední den u řeky?
Did you all spend your last day at the river together?
He always does, he never has, he usually is...

Ve zkrácených větách je ALWAYS, NEVER... před pomocným slovesem (does, have, is...):

I don't cook on Sundays, Nick always does.
I've been to the US, Nick never has.
I'm not busy at the weekend, but Nick usually is.

Více o zkrácených větách v lekci: Krátké odpovědi


Zkrácená věta Nezkrácená věta
I don't cook, he always does.
I don't cook, he always cooks.
I've been to the US, he never has.
I've been to the US, he has never been there.
I'm not busy, but he usually is.
I'm not busy, but he is usually busy.

You said you'd be out with the dogs more, but you hardly ever are.

...but you hardly ever are.
...but you are hardly ever out with them.
Říkal jsi, že budeš se psy víc venku, ale skoro nikdy nejsi.
You said you'd be out with the dogs more, but you hardly ever are.

Anglický slovosled (word order) – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit postavení předmětu, místa, času... v našich cvičeních.