Finally, at last, in the end... (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Finally, at last, in the end... – procvičování:

After years of hard training, we finally won the championship.

We finally won.
We won at last.
Po letech tvrdého trénování jsme konečně vyhráli mistrovství.
After years of hard training, we finally won the championship.

FINALLY, AT LAST, LASTLY a IN THE END mají podobný význam (= after a period of time), ale ve větě je používáme jinak:

After much difficulty, our business is finally thriving.
Po mnoha těžkostech se našemu podniku konečně daří.
You showed up at last! I've been waiting for ages.
Konečně jsi tady! Už jsem na tebe čekal strašně dlouho.
Firstly, these boots are hideous. Secondly, they're impossible to walk in. And lastly, you can't afford them.
Zaprvé, tyhle boty jsou ohavné. Zadruhé, nedá se v nich chodit. Za poslední, nemůžeš si je dovolit.
In the end, Rita decided not to buy the shoes.
Rita se nakonec rozhodla, že si ty boty nekoupí.

Kromě významových odlišností, které jsou někdy sotva patrné, jindy ale značné, se tyto výrazy liší také v postavení ve větě.

We couldn't decide between Prague and London for our holidays. In the end, we chose Prague.

Nakonec (vyústění situace):
in the end
at the end
Nemohli jsme se rozhodnout, jestli na prázdniny pojedeme do Prahy nebo do Londýna. Nakonec jsme se rozhodli pro Prahu.
We couldn't decide between Prague and London for our holidays. In the end, we chose Prague.
Finally = konečně

Pokud se po dlouhé době nebo zpoždění (a obvykle také po komplikacích) něco stane, použijeme FINALLY:

It was a long and exhausting journey. We finally got home at midnight. (= after a long time or after considerable delay)
My fiancée and I have finally found common ground. (= after some difficulties)
The police have finally clamped down on the Mafia.

FINALLY je nejčastěji uprostřed věty:

Martin has finally passed his driver's test.
It's great to finally meet you!
Nicole is finally finished with her studies.

Všimněte si, že FINALLY používáme před hlavním slovesem (passed, meet) nebo za slovesem BE (is).

Konečně ho mám!
I finally have it!
Konečně jsi tady!
You are finally here!

It's been raining all day. I wish the rain would finally stop.

Po dlouhé době:
I wish it would finally stop.
Celý den prší. Kéž by už konečně přestalo.
It's been raining all day. I wish the rain would finally stop.

Kevin is finally here! We've been waiting for such a long time.

Po zpoždění:
He is finally here!
He finally came!
Kevin je konečně tady! Čekali jsme tak dlouho.
Kevin is finally here! We've been waiting for such a long time.
Finally = na závěr; za poslední

FINALLY může uvozovat poslední věc ve výčtu, závěrečnou poznámku apod.:

We need eggs, milk, sugar and finally, a bottle of wine. (= the last item)
Finally, sprinkle some grated cheese over the salad. (= the last step of the recipe)
First, I grabbed a spoon. Second, I ate the cereal. Third, I drank the milk. Finally, I put the bowl in the dishwasher. (= the last thing to do)
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening. (= the last thing to mention)

S tímto významem je FINALLY před poslední položkou nebo na začátku věty a odděluje se obvykle čárkou.

Finally, what has been the highlight of your career so far?

Poslední věc:
Finally, what has been...?
A na závěr, co bylo zatím vrcholem vaší kariéry?
Finally, what has been the highlight of your career so far?
At last = konečně

AT (LONG) LAST použijeme, když se na něco těšíme nebo jsme netrpěliví kvůli dlouhému čekání. Obzvlášť pokud je důvodem čekání zpoždění:

Sorry for all the waiting. At last I'm free to talk to you. (= after a long time and delay)
After twenty years in prison, her husband came home at last. (= after looking forward to it and being impatient)
There were no taxis. At last we got home at 2 pm.

Velmi podobný význam jako AT LAST má FINALLY:

At last I can talk to you.
I can finally talk to you.

AT LAST může být uprostřed věty, na začátku nebo na konci:

Everything can at last go back to normal.
At last everything can go back to normal.
Everything can go back to normal at last.

I reminded Lin several times to book the hotel. She did it yesterday at last.

Dlouhé čekání + netrpělivost:
She did it at last.
Několikrát jsem Lin připomínal, aby zabukovala hotel. Včera to konečně udělala.
I reminded Lin several times to book the hotel. She did it yesterday at last.

It's nice to meet you at long last!

Nice to meet you at long last!
Nice to meet you at last!
Nice to finally meet you!
Ráda vás konečně poznávám!
It's nice to meet you at long last!

After a two-hour delay, Jeff's plane landed at last.

It landed at last.
It at last landed.
At last it landed.
Jeffovo letadlo konečně po dvouhodinovém zpoždění přistálo.
After a two-hour delay, Jeff's plane landed at last.

My boyfriend has at last said yes to hitchhiking.

He has at last said yes.
He has finally said yes.
Můj přítel konečně souhlasil se stopováním.
My boyfriend has at last said yes to hitchhiking.
Lastly = na závěr; za poslední

LASTLY uvozuje poslední věc ve výčtu, poslední činnost, závěrečnou poznámku apod.:

We need eggs, milk, sugar and lastly, a bottle of wine. (= the last item)
After watching the snow all day, Chris spent some time shoveling the steps. Lastly, he cleared off the porch. (= the final action in a series of actions)
Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening. (= the last thing to mention)

Všimněte si, že LASTLY stojí před poslední položkou nebo na začátku věty a odděluje se čárkou.

Významově se LASTLY podobá FINALLY, je ale o něco formálnější.

Lastly, it is important to drink plenty of water.

Závěrečná poznámka:
Lastly, it is important to...
The last thing I would like to mention is that it is important to...
Na závěr bych chtěl zmínit, že je důležité pít hodně vody.
Lastly, it is important to drink plenty of water.

Firstly, the car is overpriced. Secondly, it is in a bad condition. And lastly, we don't actually need it.

Poslední věc ve výčtu:
And lastly, we don't need it.
And finally, we don't need it.
Zaprvé, to auto je předražené. Zadruhé, je ve špatném stavu. A za poslední, vlastně ho ani nepotřebujeme.
Firstly, the car is overpriced. Secondly, it is in a bad condition. And lastly, we don't actually need it.

Lastly, I must say I owe all my achievements to the support and help of my colleagues and family.

Závěrečná poznámka:
Lastly, I must say...
Finally, I must say...
Na závěr musím říci, že za všechny své úspěchy vděčím podpoře a pomoci svých kolegů a rodiny.
Lastly, I must say I owe all my achievements to the support and help of my colleagues and family.
In the end = nakonec

IN THE END použijeme pro popsání výsledku nebo důsledku. Zejména pokud mu předcházel dlouhý nebo složitý proces či řada událostí:

We made ten different plans for our holiday, but in the end,
we went to India again. (= a conclusion after a long process)
In the end, the bad guy runs away with all the money. (= a conclusion after a series of events)
I tried my best but in the end, it wasn't enough. (= an outcome)
In the end, he managed to write 85 essays in only six months.

Pomocí IN THE END vyjadřujeme někdy kontrast, často ve spojení s AT FIRST:

They will be angry at first. In the end, they will see that it's for their own good.
There were other candidates but in the end, we chose you. (= Even though there were other candidates, we chose you.)
At first, I was tempted to do it. In the end, it felt wrong so I didn't.

IN THE END používáme na začátku nebo na konci věty:

I picked a different dress in the end.
In the end, I picked a different dress.

Nepleťte si IN THE END s AT THE END:

In the end, we were tired. (= an outcome)
Nakonec jsme byli unavení.
At the end of the day, we were tired. (= a specific point in time)
Na konci dne jsme byli unavení.

Daniel was unhappy with Hannah. In the end, he divorced her.

Vyústění situace:
In the end, he divorced her.
Daniel byl s Hanou nešťastný. Nakonec se s ní rozvedl.
Daniel was unhappy with Hannah. In the end, he divorced her.

At first, he didn't like Tommy at all, but in the end they became best friends.

At first he didn't like him.
In the end they became friends.
Nejdřív se mu Tommy vůbec nelíbil, ale nakonec se z nich stali nejlepší kamarádi.
At first, he didn't like Tommy at all, but in the end they became best friends.

In the end, Jamie decided to quit her job at the end of this month and go travelling.

In the end, she decided to quit her job.
Časové období:
at the end of this month
Jamie se nakonec rozhodla, že na konci měsíce dá v práci výpověď a vydá se na cesty.
In the end, Jamie decided to quit her job at the end of this month and go travelling.
Eventually = nakonec

Významově se IN THE END velmi podobá EVENTUALLY. EVENTUALLY se obvykle používá s komplikacemi, velkým úsilím nebo postupným procesem:

Barry went on a diet, but he gave up eventually. (= after a lot of effort)
She eventually saw that she was wrong. (= after a long and gradual process)
I looked everywhere for the ring, and eventually found it inside one of your shoes! (= after a step-by-step search of the house)
My dad was a heavy smoker. Unfortunately, he eventually got lung cancer. (= gradually over a period of time)
Eventually, David's constant campaigning earned him the nomination.

Všimněte si, že EVENTUALLY může být na začátku, na konci nebo uprostřed věty.

It took a lot of effort, but eventually we renovated the flat.

Komplikace, velké úsilí:
Eventually we renovated it.
Stálo to hodně úsilí, ale nakonec jsme byt zrekonstruovali.
It took a lot of effort, but eventually we renovated the flat.

An ugly caterpillar eventually turns into a beautiful butterfly.

Postupný proces:
It eventually turns into a butterfly.
Ošklivá housenka se nakonec promění v krásného motýla.
An ugly caterpillar eventually turns into a beautiful butterfly.

Finally, at last, in the end... – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: