Unless or until? (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Unless, until – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další související lekce:


Unless you have your passport, you can't fly.
Pokud nebudeš mít pas, nemůžeš letět.
Until you have your passport, you can't fly.
Dokud nebudeš mít pas, nemůžeš letět.

Unless we use sunscreen, we'll get sunburned.

Pokud ne:
Unless we use it...
If we don't use it...
Pokud se nenamažeme opalovacím krémem, spálíme se.
Unless we use sunscreen, we'll get sunburned.

UNLESS a UNTIL používáme jako spojky mezi větami:

Unless they promote me, they won't give me a pay rise.
Pokud/Jestlinepovýší, nepřidají mi.
I have to stay here until my colleague comes back.
Musím tu zůstat, dokud se můj kolega nevrátí.

UNTIL také používáme jako předložku:

I have to stay here until 5 pm.
Musím tu zůstat až do pěti hodin.

Namísto UNTIL můžeme použít hovorové TILL:

I'll stay here till he comes back.
I'll stay here till 5 pm.

You can't lose weight until you change your diet and work out regularly.

Dokud ne: ...until you do that.
Pokud ne: ...unless you do that.
Nemůžeš zhubnout, dokud nezměníš svůj jídelníček a nebudeš pravidelně cvičit.
You can't lose weight until you change your diet and work out regularly.
UNLESS = pokud ne
UNTIL = dokud ne
You can't enter unless you're 18.
Nemůžeš jít dovnitř, pokud ti není 18. (= Můžeš jít dovnitř jen pod podmínkou, že ti je 18.)
You can't enter until you're 18.
Nemůžeš jít dovnitř, dokud ti nebude 18. (= Nemůžeš jít dovnitř až do té doby, kdy ti bude 18.)


I'll help you unless I'm busy.
Pomůžu ti, pokud nebudu zaneprázdněn.
I'll help you if I'm not busy.
I'll help you until it's done.
Pomůžu ti, dokud to nebude hotové.
I'll help you up to the time it's done.

Your pizza won't be delivered unless you pay for it in advance.

...unless you pay.
...if you don't pay.
Vaše pizza nebude doručena, pokud ji nezaplatíte předem.
Your pizza won't be delivered unless you pay for it in advance.

Mark was terrified on his first flight. He was shaking until the plane touched down.

...until it touched down.
...up to the time it touched down.
Mark se při svém prvním letu strašně bál. Třásl se, dokud letadlo nepřistálo.
Mark was terrified on his first flight. He was shaking until the plane touched down.

We'll hang out in the park tomorrow unless it rains.

Pokud ne:
We'll hang out until unless it rains.
Půjdeme zítra do parku, pokud nebude pršet.
We'll hang out in the park tomorrow unless it rains.

I was asking my parents for a dog until they finally got me one.

Dokud ne:
...unless until they got one.
...till they got one.
Prosil jsem rodiče o psa, až mi ho nakonec pořídili.
I was asking my parents for a dog until they finally got me one.

Po spojkách UNLESS/UNTIL nepoužíváme obvykle WILL:

You won't win unless you train hard.
We'll be waiting until they arrive.

Nikoliv: unless you WILL train, until they WILL arrive

Stay here and play until dinner is ready.

Play until it will be is ready.
Zůstaňte tady a hrajte si, dokud nebude večeře hotová.
Stay here and play until dinner is ready.

Spojky UNLESS i UNTIL se nepoužívají s dalším záporem:

Unless it is complete today, we'll be in trouble.
Jestliže to dnes nedokončíme, budeme mít problém.
We all had to keep working until it was complete.
Všichni jsme museli pracovat tak dlouho, dokud to nebylo dokončené.

Nikoliv: unless it ISN'T, until it WASN'T

It's forbidden to use this path unless we have a permit.

It's forbidden unless you don't have have...
Je zakázáno tuto cestu používat, pokud nemáme povolení.
It's forbidden to use this path unless we have a permit.

Please keep your seat belts fastened until the aircraft has stopped.

Keep them fastened until it hasn't has stopped.
Zůstaňte prosím připoutaní, dokud letadlo nezastaví.
Please keep your seat belts fastened until the aircraft has stopped.


Unless you invite her, she won't come.
She won't come unless you invite her.

Unless you deactivate the bomb, it'll go off.

Unless you do it, it'll go off.
It'll go off unless you do it.
Jestli tu bombu nezneškodníte, tak vybuchne.
Unless you deactivate the bomb, it'll go off.
Until now, till 7 am...

UNTIL/TILL používáme někdy jako předložku s významem – až do (nějaké doby):

Did you stay in bed until 12 pm?
They were in California until Friday.
Matt will be studying till midnight.
hrát až do svítání
play until sunset
spát do sedmi
sleep till 7 am


He was studying until midnight.
He was studying until he was ready for the exam.

The surprise party was kept a secret until the last minute.

Až do nějaké doby:
keep secret until the last minute
celebrate until the morning
Večírek s překvapením byl držen v tajnosti až do poslední chvíle.
The surprise party was kept a secret until the last minute.

We're usually working out at the local gym until 8 pm.

We're working out until 8 pm.
We're working out until they close the gym.
Obvykle cvičíme v místní posilovně až do osmi.
We're usually working out at the local gym until 8 pm.

Unless, until – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: