Přídavná jména s infinitivem – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další související lekce:
It was cheap to rent scooters in Thailand.
It was cheap to rent them.
They were cheap to rent.
Běžné konstrukce přídavného jména (impossible, nice, happy...) s TO infinitivem:
It's impossible to understand your accent.
Your accent is impossible to understand.
It's nice of you to help me.
We'll be happy to see you soon.
The first person to call will win a prize.
You're not likely to be the winner.
It's easy to learn English.
Je snadné naučit se anglicky. |
It isn't safe to eat the fish.
Není bezpečné jíst tu rybu. |
Was it cheap to hire a guide?
Bylo levné najmout si průvodce? |
Můžeme také použít SOMETHING IS ... TO DO:
English is easy to learn.
Angličtina se učí snadno. |
The fish isn't safe to eat.
Ryba není bezpečná k jídlu. |
Guides are cheap to hire.
Průvodce si můžete najmout levně. |
Neříkáme: English is easy to learn IT.; Guides are cheap to hire THEM.
It was really difficult to understand Naomi a year ago. She is much easier to understand now.
It was difficult to understand her.
She is easier to understand now.
Pokud vyjadřujeme, co si myslíme o něčím chování, použijeme IT'S ... OF SOMEBODY TO DO:
It isn't nice of you to talk about your girlfriend like this.
It's kind of Jessica to offer me the loan.
It was careless of them to leave the bag on the beach without keeping an eye on it.
It was silly of Simon to break up with Katherine when he's still in love with her.
It was silly of him to break up.
It was careless of him to do that.
Porovnejte OF SOMEBODY (od někoho) a FOR SOMEBODY (pro někoho):
It'd be nice of you to show Denise around.
Bylo by od tebe hezké, kdybys Denise provedl. |
It'd be nice for you to have somebody here to show you around.
Bylo by hezké, kdybys tu měla někoho, kdo tě provede. |
It wasn't possible for anybody to repair, but it was kind of you to give it a try anyways.
Pro někoho: |
possible for anybody to repair
Od někoho: |
kind of you to try
It was considerate of Daniel to help me with my luggage. He's such a gentleman!
Od někoho: |
considerate from of him
S přídavným jménem s infinitivem se někdy používá TOO (příliš) a ENOUGH (dostatečně):
Was the exam too hard for you to pass?
Luckily, it was easy enough to pass.
Unfortunately, the flat is too expensive for us to afford.
too expensive to afford
not affordable enough to buy
Pomocí přídavných jmen, která vyjadřují nějaký pocit nebo emoci – HAPPY, SAD, SORRY, SURPRISED, AFRAID... + TO infinitivu, můžeme popsat, jak někdo na něco reaguje:
After such a long time we were so happy to see our grandchildren.
I'm sorry to hear that Daniel passed away.
Were you surprised to get promoted, or was it something you expected?
Dad was pleased to see that the whole family was having a good time.
He was pleased to see that.
He was happy to spend time with them.
I'm sad to leave my hometown. At the same time, I'm excited to start a new life in Canada.
I'm sad to leave now.
I'm excited to start a new life.
Pokud vyjadřujeme, že někdo přišel jako první, něco se stalo jako poslední apod., použijeme THE FIRST/SECOND/NEXT/LAST/ONLY... + TO infinitiv:
Was he the first person to sail around the world?
Who were the last guests to enter the house? They left the door wide open!
I was the only girl to sleep in a tent.
You're not the first or the last person to think I'm a little weird.
the first person to think that
the last person to mention that
S přídavnými jmény (UN)LIKELY, (UN)SURE, (UN)CERTAIN, BOUND, která popisují, že něco je nebo není pravděpodobné, můžeme použít konstrukci s TO infinitivem:
I'm unlikely to be in Europe for your birthday. (= It's unlikely that I'll be...)
The German tennis player is certain to win. (= It's certain that he'll...)
You should wear a cap tomorrow. It's likely to get colder and snow. (= It's likely that it will...)
My friends are bound to be at the bus stop. They must be already waiting for us.
They're bound to be there.
They're very likely to be there.
Infinitiv v záporu tvoříme tak, že dáme NOT před TO:
Your puppy is hard not to like. It's so cute!
It was mean of you not to invite Lee to the party.
It was so selfish of you not to share the chocolate!
selfish of you not to share it
nice of you not to eat it all
Pozor, s některými přídavnými jmény (busy, worth...) se používá -ING, ne infinitiv:
Are you still busy packing for holiday?
I live just around the corner so it's not worth driving there.
It's no good to persuade Abby, she won't change her mind.
There's no use trying to argue with Aaron. He's too stubborn.
Nikoliv: busy to pack, worth to drive
Více o výrazech s -ING v lekci: Go hiking, be busy doing...
Doporučujeme si procvičit přídavná jména s infinitivem (adjectives with infinitive) v našich cvičeních.
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