Stažené tvary – procvičování:
I'm from Canada and he's from the USA. = Já jsem z Kanady a on je z USA.
I am
he is
Stažené tvary (contractions) jsou zkrácené konstrukce s apostrofem. Často se jedná o podmět se slovesem nebo sloveso s NOT:
he is
John is
is not
would not
Ve stažených tvarech používáme především slovesa pomocná (be, have, do...) nebo způsobová (would, could, should...):
Podmět + sloveso | |
BE | I'm, you're, he's... |
HAVE | I've, you've, he's... |
WILL | I'll, you'll, he'll... |
WOULD | I'd, you'd, he'd... |
LET + US | let's |
Sloveso + NOT | |
BE | isn't, aren't |
wasn't, weren't | |
HAVE | haven't, hasn't |
DO | don't, doesn't |
didn't | |
WILL | won't |
WOULD | wouldn't |
CAN | can't |
COULD | couldn't |
SHOULD | shouldn't |
Zkrácené tvary jsou běžné v mluveném jazyce a v psané hovorové angličtině. Ve formálnější angličtině je obvykle nepoužíváme.
We'd like to rent kayaks tomorrow. = Rádi bychom si zítra půjčili kajaky.
Hovorové: | We'd like to... |
Formálnější: | We would like to... |
Při tvorbě stažených tvarů píšeme místo dvou slov jedno kratší slovíčko (we will → we'll; did not → didn't...). Jednotlivé části staženého tvaru jsou spojeny apostrofem ('), který zastupuje chybějící písmeno nebo více písmen:
We'll (= We will) fly to Mexico.
Poletíme do Mexika. |
We'd (= We would) like to swim.
Rádi bychom si zaplavali. |
We didn't (= did not) eat anything.
Nic jsme nejedli. |
We couldn't (= could not) find you.
Nemohli jsme tě najít. |
Všimněte si, že ve spojení podmětu a slovesa zkracujeme sloveso (will → 'll, would → 'd), zatímco ve spojení slovesa a NOT zkracujeme NOT (not → n't).
Pokud používáme stažený tvar pomocného slovesa ('m, 'd, 's...), podmět je obvykle osobní zájmeno (I, you, he, she, it, we, they):
I'm (= I am) a bit hungry.
Mám trochu hlad. |
They'd (= They would) visit you.
Navštívili by tě. |
He's (= He has) travelled a lot.
Hodně cestoval. |
V kombinaci se staženým pomocným slovesem používáme také někdy WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, THAT, THERE, HERE nebo podstatné jméno (name, John, friend...):
Who's (= Who is) he?
Kdo to je? |
What's (= What is) his name?
Jak se jmenuje? |
Where's (= Where has) he lived?
Kde žil? |
That's (= That is) a very tall man.
To je velmi vysoký muž. |
There's (= There is) ice cream.
Je tu zmrzlina. |
Here's (= Here is) your coffee.
Tady je tvoje káva. |
His name's (= name is) John.
Jmenuje se John. |
John's (= John has) worked in Italy.
John pracoval v Itálii. |
Tato slovíčka používáme především se 'S (is, has).
Where's Erica? There's a package for her. = Kde je Erica? Je tu pro ni balík.
where is
there is
What's happened to your leg? = Co se ti to stalo s nohou?
What has happened?
What's happened?
Sloveso BE použijeme v přítomném čase ve staženém tvaru s podmětem (I, you, he...) nebo s NOT:
Podmět + BE | |
BE + NOT | |
I am not
we aren't
you aren't
you aren't
he isn't
she isn't
it isn't
they aren't
Všimněte si, že AM NOT nestahujeme. Neříkáme: amn't
IS/ARE + NOT lze zkrátit dvěma způsoby:
It's not raining.
Neprší. |
It isn't raining.
They're not playing.
Nehrají. |
They aren't playing.
V minulém čase se WAS/WERE stahuje s NOT:
I wasn't
we weren't
you weren't
you weren't
he wasn't
she wasn't
it wasn't
they weren't
It's possible that he's not working. I'm not sure. = Je možné, že nepracuje. Nejsem si jistý.
it is
he is
I am not
I'm not
Were you scared? – No, I wasn't. I love snakes. = Měla jsi strach? – Ne, neměla. Miluju hady.
was not
were not
Pomocné sloveso HAVE použijeme v předpřítomném čase ve staženém tvaru s podmětem (I, you, he...) nebo s NOT:
Podmět + HAVE | |
I've been
we've been
you've been
you've been
he's been
she's been
it's been
they've been
HAVE + NOT | |
I haven't been
we haven't been
you haven't been
you haven't been
he hasn't been
she hasn't been
it hasn't been
they haven't been
Stažené tvary IS a HAS jsou stejné. Porovnejte:
'S (= is) | 'S (= has) |
He's my cousin.
He's been to Canada.
He's a dentist.
He's worked as a dentist.
We have travelled to more than twenty countries. = Procestovali jsme více než dvacet zemí.
We have travelled... | We've travelled... |
Pozor, samostatné HAVE/HAS s významem mít; vlastnit používáme pouze nezkrácené:
I have two sisters.
Mám dvě sestry. |
He has a new bike.
Má nové kolo. |
Nikoliv: I've two sisters., He's new bike.
They have so many flavours here! = Mají tu tolik příchutí!
They've They have many flavours!
Sloveso DO použijeme v přítomném i minulém čase ve staženém tvaru s NOT:
DO + NOT | |
I don't
we don't
you don't
you don't
he doesn't
she doesn't
it doesn't
they don't
DID + NOT | |
I didn't
we didn't
you didn't
you didn't
he didn't
she didn't
it didn't
they didn't
This shirt doesn't fit me. I don't want it. = Ta košile mi nesedí. Nechci ji.
does not
do not
WILL použijeme ve staženém tvaru s podmětem (I'll, you'll, we'll...) nebo s NOT (won't):
I'll (= I will) go cycling.
Pojedu na kole. |
We'll (= We will) watch a movie.
Budeme se dívat film. |
It won't (= will not) rain.
Nebude pršet. |
You won't (= will not) need an umbrella.
Nebudeš potřebovat deštník. |
I hope she'll like the present. = Doufám, že se jí dárek bude líbit.
she will
she will not
she won't
WOULD použijeme ve staženém tvaru s podmětem (I'd, you'd, we'd...) nebo s NOT (wouldn't):
I'd (= I would) go running with you.
Šel bych si s tebou zaběhat. |
We'd (= We would) like to sell the flat.
Chtěli bychom prodat ten byt. |
She wouldn't (= would not) feel safe alone.
Sama by se necítila bezpečně. |
I wouldn't book this flight. It's quite expensive. = Tento let bych nerezervoval. Je docela drahý.
I would not
I wouldn't
I would
CAN, COULD, SHOULD použijeme ve staženém tvaru s NOT:
You can't (= cannot) smoke here.
Nesmíte tady kouřit. |
She couldn't (= could not) help us.
Nemohla nám pomoci. |
They shouldn't (= should not) eat so much.
Neměli by tolik jíst. |
It was too hot for Carlos. He couldn't live in Spain. = Pro Carlose bylo příliš horko. Nemohl by žít ve Španělsku.
could not
Spojení LET + US zkracujeme na LET'S. Pomocí LET'S často něco navrhujeme:
My legs hurt. Let's sit down.
Bolí mě nohy. Pojďme se posadit. |
Let's have grilled cheese on toast!
Dejme si topinku s grilovaným sýrem! |
Nestažené LET US se používá pouze ve velmi formální angličtině.
Let's make pizza tomorrow! = Pojďme zítra udělat pizzu!
let us
There's a lot of snow. Let's go skiing. = Je spousta sněhu. Pojďme lyžovat.
there is
let us
You shouldn't climb alone. It's dangerous. = Neměl bys lézt sám. Je to nebezpečné.
should not
it is
We won't go to the concert. The tickets are sold out. = Na koncert nepůjdeme. Vstupenky jsou vyprodané.
will not
we will
I've been singing in a band for two years. = Už dva roky zpívám v kapele.
I have been... | I've been... |
My boyfriend is great! He's smart and very handsome. = Můj přítel je skvělý! Je chytrý a velmi pohledný.
he is
he is not
he isn't
Ann wouldn't help you. She's too lazy. = Ann by ti nepomohla. Je příliš líná.
would not
she is
Stažené tvary – shrnutí:
Podmět I, YOU... + sloveso | |
BE | 'm (am) 's (is) 're (are) |
HAVE | 've (have) 's (has) |
WILL | 'll |
WOULD | 'd |
LET + US | let's |
Sloveso + NOT | |
BE | isn't (is not) aren't (are not) |
wasn't (was not) weren't (were not) |
HAVE | haven't (have not) hasn't (has not) |
DO | don't (do not) doesn't (does not) |
didn't (did not) | |
WILL | won't (will not) |
WOULD | wouldn't (would not) |
CAN | can't (cannot) |
COULD | couldn't (could not) |
SHOULD | shouldn't (should not) |
Doporučujeme si procvičit stažené tvary (contractions) v našich cvičeních.
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