Never have I, none the wiser... (B2)

Negation and negative words (442)

Zápor a záporné výrazy

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na pokročilejší gramatiku, která souvisí se záporem:

Zápor a záporné výrazy – procvičování:

Na zápor máme tak lekce:

Never have we eaten such good ice cream as in Italy.

We have never eaten such ice cream.
Never have we eaten such ice cream.
Nikdy jsme nejedli tak dobrou zmrzlinu jako v Itálii.
Never have we eaten such good ice cream as in Italy.
Never have I, not once did I...

Pro přidání důrazu můžeme dát záporná slovíčka NO, NOT, NEVER, NEITHER, NOR, HARDLY, SELDOM, RARELY, BARELY, LITTLE apod. na začátek věty:

Not once have I met him.
Never have I met him.

Takové postavení je běžné především ve formální angličtině.

Pokud je NO, NOT, NEVER... na začátku věty, používáme tázací slovosled. Porovnejte:

Klasický oznamovací slovosled Tázací slovosled
I will meet him under no circumstances.
Under no circumstances will I meet him.
I met him not once.
Not once did I meet him.
I have never met him.
Never have I met him.
I can hardly see him next week.
Hardly can I see him next week.

Více o obrácení slovosledu podmětu a slovesa v samostatné lekci.

I'm exhausted after the long flight. Barely did I sleep.

I barely slept.
Barely did I sleep.
Po dlouhém letu jsem vyčerpaný. Sotva jsem spal.
I'm exhausted after the long flight. Barely did I sleep.

I have neither the time nor do I have the desire to see her again.

...nor do I have...
...nor I have...
Nemám čas ani chuť ji znovu vidět.
I have neither the time nor do I have the desire to see her again.

Little did Jonathan and Claire know their journey was far from over.

Little did they know...
Little they knew...
Jen málo Jonathan a Claire tušili, že jejich cesta zdaleka neskončila.
Little did Jonathan and Claire know their journey was far from over.
I don't think it was, I wish it wasn't...

Použití záporu v souvětí někdy závisí na tom, jaké sloveso je v hlavní větě. Porovnejte THINK a WISH:

I don't think it was a good concert.
I wish it wasn't raining.

Pokud je v hlavní větě sloveso THINK, SUPPOSE, EXPECT, WANT, BELIEVE, FEEL nebo IMAGINE, obvykle používáme zápor s tímto slovesem:

He doesn't think it's true.
Nemyslí si, že je to pravda.
We don't expect she will show up.
Neočekáváme, že se ukáže.

Spíše než: He thinks it ISN'T true.; We expect she WON'T show up.

The Owens don't want Frank to travel on his own. He's too young for that.

They don't want him to travel.
Méně běžné:
They want him not to travel.
Owenovi nechtějí, aby Frank cestoval sám. Je na to moc malý.
The Owens don't want Frank to travel on his own. He's too young for that.

I don't feel like going to the gym today. I'll leave it for Tuesday.

I don't feel like going.
Méně běžné:
I feel like not going.
Dnes se mi nechce do posilovny. Nechám to na úterý.
I don't feel like going to the gym today. I'll leave it for Tuesday.

Susan didn't suppose the firm would employ her. She was pleasantly surprised when they did.

She didn't suppose they would employ her.
Méně běžné:
She supposed they wouldn't employ her.
Susan nepředpokládala, že by ji tato firma zaměstnala. Byla mile překvapena, když se tak stalo.
Susan didn't suppose the firm would employ her. She was pleasantly surprised when they did.

Pokud je v hlavní větě WISH, HOPE, GUESS nebo BET, obvykle používáme zápor s druhým slovesem:

I wish you weren't complaining all the time.
Kéž by sis pořád nestěžoval.
She hopes her train won't be delayed.
Doufá, že její vlak nebude mít zpoždění.

Spíše než: I DON'T wish you were complaining.; She DOESN'T hope it'll be delayed.

I guess Robert can't afford a better car.

I guess he can't afford it.
Méně běžné:
I don't guess he can afford it.
Robert si nejspíš nemůže dovolit lepší auto.
I guess Robert can't afford a better car.

I bet they won't win the match.

I bet they won't win.
Méně běžné:
I don't bet they will win.
Vsadím se, že ten zápas nevyhrají.
I bet they won't win the match.
No other than, none the wiser...

Ustálenou vazbu NO/NONE OTHER THAN... použijeme pro zdůraznění, že se opravdu jedná o danou věc/osobu – často velmi důležitou nebo známou:

We've just had a meeting with no other than Bill Clinton.
Právě jsme měli schůzku se samotným Billem Clintonem.
The mystery donor turned out to be none other than Elon Musk.
Ukázalo se, že tajemným dárcem není nikdo jiný než Elon Musk.

The main speech will be given by none other than Brad Pitt.

Právě ta osoba a ne nikdo jiný:
none other than Brad Pitt
no other than Brad Pitt
Hlavní proslov nepřednese nikdo jiný než Brad Pitt.
The main speech will be given by none other than Brad Pitt.

NONE použijeme ve vazbě BE/SEEM/LOOK... NONE THE + druhý stupeň přídavného jména:

He's read the whole manual, but he's still none the wiser.
Přečetl si celý manuál, ale stále není ani o trochu chytřejší.
She took the medication. She looked none the better.
Vzala si léky. Ale nevypadala o nic lépe.

Even though Blair is rich and famous now, she seems none the happier.

She seems none the happier.
She looks none the prettier.
She appears none the more content.
I když je Blair nyní bohatá a slavná, nevypadá o nic šťastněji.
Even though Blair is rich and famous now, she seems none the happier.

Doporučujeme si procvičit zápor a záporné výrazy (negation and negative words) v našem cvičení.