Be to – procvičování:
Na budoucí čas máme také lekce:
You are to pick up Miss Brown from the airport tomorrow. She will land at 5 pm.
Instrukce: |
You are to pick up... |
You will pick up... |
Vazba BE TO + infinitiv patří mezi méně časté způsoby vyjádření budoucnosti. Používá se hlavně v psané formální angličtině:
The CEO of the company is to visit the headquarters today.
Dnes má sídlo společnosti navštívit její generální ředitel. |
The wedding is to take place in California.
Svatba se bude konat v Kalifornii. |
BE TO používáme především v následujících případech:
The President is to fly to Europe on 10 June.
You are to take the exam next Friday.
You are not to use a dictionary during the exam.
Construction of the library is to begin this summer.
Výstavba knihovny začne letos v létě. |
The directors are to discuss everything later today.
Ředitelé vše projednají ještě dnes. |
James Mitchel is to return to court in May.
James Mitchel se v květnu vrátí před soud. |
The award ceremony is to be held this year at the museum of contemporary art.
It is to being be held... |
The article reads that the Prime Minister is to step down this week.
Oficiální plány: |
He is to step down.
The passengers are to remain seated.
Pasažéři musí zůstat sedět. |
Visitors are to wear helmets.
Návštěvníci musí mít helmu. |
All employees are to pass a background check.
Všichni zaměstnanci musí projít prověrkou. |
The medicine is to be taken with a sufficient amount of water.
Instrukce: |
It is to be taken... |
Remember, you are to check out by 11 am.
You are to check out... |
You must check out... |
The guests are not to smoke here.
Hosté zde nesmí kouřit. |
The results are not to be made public.
Výsledky nesmí být zveřejněny. |
These weapons are never to be used.
Tyto zbraně se nikdy nesmí použít. |
My children are not to eat anything with peanuts. They are severely allergic to them.
Zákaz: |
They are not to eat... |
Please remind Roger that he is not to talk to the press.
He is not to talk... |
He mustn't talk... |
He may not talk... |
BE TO používáme podobně jako SHOULD ve významu, že se něco má nebo musí stát, a to hlavně v otázkách nebo kondicionálech:
What are we to make of that?
Co si o tom máme myslet? |
If she is to stay fit, she must eat healthy.
Jestli má zůstat fit, musí jíst zdravě. |
And what am I to do with a baby now?
What am I to do with him?
What should I do with him?
What am I supposed to do with him?
If we are to catch the plane, we must leave immediately.
If we are to catch it, we must... |
If we want to catch it, we must... |
BE TO můžeme také použít, pokud mluvíme o minulosti. Porovnejte:
Mr Cruise is to arrive at noon.
Pan Cruise má přiletět v poledne. |
Mr Cruise was to arrive at noon, but his plane was delayed.
Pan Cruise měl přiletět v poledne, ale jeho letadlo mělo zpoždění. |
We were to have lunch with Amanda. Unfortunately, she had to cancel the meeting.
Minulost: |
We were to have lunch.
Budoucnost: |
We are to have lunch.
Be to – shrnutí a tip na závěr:
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