Too, so, as well, either... (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na slovíčka (too, as well, either...) a krátké věty (Me too. So am I. Neither do you...), které vyjadřují, že něco také platí nebo neplatí.

Too, so, as well, either – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

My dad is a huge fan of snorkeling and so am I.

He's a fan and so am I.
He's a fan and me too.
He's a fan and I'm a fan as well.
Můj táta je velkým fanouškem šnorchlování a já také.
My dad is a huge fan of snorkeling and so am I.

Pokud chceme vyjádřit, že je na tom někdo v dané situaci stejně, nebo že něco také platí či neplatí, použijeme následující výrazy:

Také ano
He's thirsty. I'm also thirsty.
He's thirsty. I'm thirsty too.
He's thirsty. I'm thirsty as well.
He's thirsty. So am I.
Také ne
He isn't thirsty. I'm not thirsty either.
He isn't thirsty. Neither am I.

Navíc můžeme také použít hovorové ME TOO a ME NEITHER:

He's thirsty. Me too.
He isn't thirsty. Me neither.
Já také.
Me too.
Já také ne.
Me neither.
Also, too, as well = také ano

S kladnou větou používáme ALSO, TOO a AS WELL (také ano). ALSO je obvykle na začátku nebo uprostřed věty. TOO/AS WELL je na konci věty:

I'm thirsty. Also, I'm hungry.
I'm thirsty. I'm also hungry.
I'm thirsty. I'm hungry too.
I'm thirsty. I'm hungry as well.

Více se ALSO a TOO věnujeme v lekci: Also, too

We're going to the lake tomorrow. Are you coming too?

Are you coming too?
Are you coming as well?
Are you also coming?
Zítra jedeme k jezeru. Jedeš taky?
We're going to the lake tomorrow. Are you coming too?

I'll pack for vacation today. Also, I'll pick up my passport at the embassy.

Also, I'll pick up the passport.
I'll also pick up the passport.
Dnes si zabalím na dovolenou. Také si vyzvednu pas na ambasádě.
I'll pack for vacation today. Also, I'll pick up my passport at the embassy.
Either = také ne

Se zápornou větou použijeme EITHER (také ne). EITHER je na konci věty:

I'm not thirsty. I'm not hungry either.
He isn't smart and he isn't handsome either.

Matthew doesn't usually drink tea. I don't drink it either.

I don't drink it either.
I don't either...
Matthew obvykle čaj nepije. Ani já ho nepiju.
Matthew doesn't usually drink tea. I don't drink it either.


Kladná věta Záporná věta
Joe's pretty and she's funny too.
Joe isn't pretty and she isn't funny either.
I'm having steak for dinner. Sara will also have it.
I'm not having steak for dinner. Sara won't have it either.
Mary bought some clothes. We bought some as well.
Mary didn't buy any clothes. We didn't buy any either.

Nikoliv: she's funny EITHER, she isn't funny TOO

It was a really nice apartment and it wasn't expensive either.

Také ne:
It wasn't expensive either.
Také ano:
It was cheap too.
Byl to opravdu pěkný byt a nebyl ani drahý.
It was a really nice apartment and it wasn't expensive either.
So am I. = Já také ano.
Neither am I. = Já také ne.
Nor am I. = Já také ne.

Pokud nechceme opakovat celou větu, použijeme krátké věty s SO/NEITHER. SO se vztahuje ke kladné větě, NEITHER k záporné větě:

He is thirsty and so am I.
Má žízeň a já taky.
He isn't thirsty and neither am I.
Nemá žízeň a já taky ne.

Nikoliv: So I am.; Neither I am.

NEITHER je běžné jak v britské, tak i americké angličtině. V britské ang. se někdy používá NOR:

He isn't thirsty and neither am I.
He isn't thirsty and nor am I.

V krátkých větách s SO/NEITHER/NOR používáme kladné sloveso (is, did, can...):

Alena is tall, so is her mom.
Alena isn't tall, neither is her mom.
We saw them. So did John.
We didn't see them. Neither did John.
I can help you and so can they.
I can't help you and nor can they.

Nikoliv: So ISN'T her mom.; Neither ISN'T her mom.

Vanessa should book the ticket as soon as possible and so should you.

She should do that and so should you.
She shouldn't do that and neither should you.
Vanessa by si měla letenku rezervovat co nejdříve a ty taky.
Vanessa should book the ticket as soon as possible and so should you.

Michael didn't like the comedy too much and neither did everybody else.

Neither didn't did everybody else.
Nor didn't did everybody else.
Michaelovi se komedie příliš nelíbila a ostatním také ne.
Michael didn't like the comedy too much and neither did everybody else.

I finally want to get a dog this year. So do the children.

I want that. So do they.
I don't want that. Neither do they.
Letos chci konečně pořídit psa. Stejně tak děti.
I finally want to get a dog this year. So do the children.
Me too. = Já také ano.
Me neither. = Já také ne.

V hovorové angličtině můžeme použít:

I want to watch this movie. – Me too!
I don't want to watch this movie. – Me neither!
Jenny hates mushrooms. – Me too.
Jenny doesn't eat mushrooms. – Me neither.

Nikoliv: I too.; I neither.

I really need to take a break for a few minutes. – Me too.

Me too.
So do I.
Opravdu si musím dát na pár minut pauzu. – Já taky.
I really need to take a break for a few minutes. – Me too.

You aren't very good at golf and me neither!

Me neither.
Neither am I.
Golf ti opravdu moc nejde a mně taky ne!
You aren't very good at golf and me neither!

Namísto ME NEITHER, které je typické pro britskou angličtinu, se v americké ang. často používá hovorové ME EITHER:

I've never done it. – Me neither.
I've never done it. – Me either.
James can't drive and me neither.
James can't drive and me either.

We didn't know Becky got married, did you? – Me either.

Me either.
Me neither.
Nevěděly jsme, že se Becky vdala, ty ano? – Já taky ne.
We didn't know Becky got married, did you? – Me either.


Já také ano Já také ne
I can also play.
I can't play either.
I can play too.
I can play as well.
So can I.
Neither can I.
Nor can I.
Either can I.
Me too.
Me neither.
Me either.

Frank does windsurfing almost every day and so do I.

So do I.
Me too.
I also do windsurfing.
Frank dělá windsurfing téměř každý den a já také.
Frank does windsurfing almost every day and so do I.

You shouldn't spend so much money on shoes. Neither should I!

Neither should I!
Me neither!
I shouldn't spend so much either!
Za boty bys neměla utrácet tolik peněz. Já taky ne!
You shouldn't spend so much money on shoes. Neither should I!

My husband loves fast cars and he likes motorbikes as well.

He loves cars and he likes motorbikes as well.
He hates cars and he doesn't like motorbikes either.
Můj manžel miluje rychlá auta a má rád i motorky.
My husband loves fast cars and he likes motorbikes as well.

Too, so, as well, either – nejdůležitější body:

Také ano
He's cold. I'm also cold.
He's cold. I'm cold too.
He's cold. I'm cold as well.
He's cold. So am I.
He's cold. Me too.
Také ne
He isn't cold. I'm not cold either.
He isn't cold. Neither am I.
He isn't cold. Me neither.

Doporučujeme si procvičit TOO, SO, AS WELL, EITHER... v našich cvičeních.