I don't have... (00)

Verb TO HAVE – negation (17)

Sloveso TO HAVE – zápor

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes naučíme tvořit zápor u slovesa TO HAVE (mít), např. Nemám bratra. Nemají auto.

Zápor s TO HAVE – procvičování:

Na sloveso TO HAVE máme ještě další lekce:

I don't have a brother. = Nemám bratra.

I have a brother.
Mám bratra.
I don't have a brother.
Nemám bratra.
Nemám bratra.
I don't have a brother.

Zápor tvoříme pomocí DON'T nebo DOESN'T:

You have a car.
Máš auto.
You don't have a car.
Nemáš auto.
He has a car.
Má auto.
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto.

TO HAVE – zápor – časování – jednotné číslo:

I don't have
já nemám
you don't have
ty nemáš
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
on nemá
ona nemá
ono nemá

TO HAVE – zápor – časování – množné číslo:

we don't have
my nemáme
you don't have
vy nemáte
they don't have
oni nemají

Všimněte si, že HAVE se v záporu nemění. Porovnejte:

He has a car.
Má auto
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto.

Nikoliv: He doesn't has...

We don't have a TV. = Nemáme televizi.

We have a TV.
Máme televizi.
We don't have a TV.
Nemáme televizi.
Nemáme televizi.
We don't have a TV.

He doesn't have a passport. = Nemá pas.

he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
Nemá pas.
He doesn't have a passport.

Ann doesn't have school today. = Ann dnes nemá školu.

She doesn't has have school.
Nemá školu.
She has school.
Má školu.
Ann dnes nemá školu.
Ann doesn't have school today.

They don't have postcards. = Nemají pohledy.

we don't have
you don't have
they don't have
Nemají pohledy.
They don't have postcards.

Ve formální angličtině se namísto DON'T a DOESN'T používá DO NOT a DOES NOT:

You don't have a car.
Nemáš auto.
You do not have a car.
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto.
He does not have a car.

Hurry up! You don't have much time. = Pospěš si! Nemáš moc času.

Stažený tvar: You don't have...
Plný tvar: You do not have...
Pospěš si! Nemáš moc času.
Hurry up! You don't have much time.
Zápor s HAVE v praktických situacích:

I don't have your phone number. = Nemám tvoje telefonní číslo.

I don't have
já nemám
you don't have
ty nemáš
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
on nemá
ona nemá
ono nemá
Nemám tvoje telefonní číslo.
I don't have your phone number.

We don't have your address. = Nemáme tvoji adresu.

we don't have
you don't have
they don't have
Nemáme tvoji adresu.
We don't have your address.

I don't have a dog. I have two cats. = Nemám psa. Mám dvě kočky.

I don't have... Nemám...
I have... Mám...
Nemám psa. Mám dvě kočky.
I don't have a dog. I have two cats.

Emily doesn't have a sister. = Emily nemá sestru.

She doesn't has have... Nemá...
She has... Má...
Emily nemá sestru.
Emily doesn't have a sister.

The room doesn't have a balcony. = Pokoj nemá balkón.

he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
Pokoj nemá balkón.
The room doesn't have a balcony.

Oh no! We don't have the key. = Ale ne! Nemáme klíč.

We don't have... Nemáme...
He doesn't have... On nemá...
Ale ne! Nemáme klíč.
Oh no! We don't have the key.
Popis vzhledu lidí
00:Cvičení: Popis vzhledu lidí

Clara doesn't have straight hair. = Klára nemá rovné vlasy.

She doesn't has have... Nemá...
She has... Má...
Klára nemá rovné vlasy.
Clara doesn't have straight hair.

Robert doesn't have green eyes. = Robert nemá zelené oči.

he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
Robert nemá zelené oči.
Robert doesn't have green eyes.

It is cold and you don't have gloves. = Je zima a ty nemáš rukavice.

Stažený tvar: You don't have...
Plný tvar: You do not have...
Je zima a ty nemáš rukavice.
It is cold and you don't have gloves.

I like these shoes, but they don't have my size. = Líbí se mi tyto boty, ale nemají moji velikost.

we don't have
you don't have
they don't have
Líbí se mi tyto boty, ale nemají moji velikost.
I like these shoes, but they don't have my size.

Zápor se slovesem TO HAVE (verb TO HAVE – negation) – shrnutí:

jednotné číslo množné číslo
I don't have
we don't have
you don't have
you don't have
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
they don't have

Doporučujeme si procvičit zápor se slovesem TO HAVE v našich devíti cvičeních.