Na Landigo se dnes naučíme tvořit zápor u slovesa TO HAVE (mít), např. Nemám bratra. Nemají auto.
Zápor s TO HAVE – procvičování:
Na sloveso TO HAVE máme ještě další lekce:
I don't have a brother. = Nemám bratra.
I have a brother.
Mám bratra. |
I don't have a brother.
Nemám bratra. |
Zápor tvoříme pomocí DON'T nebo DOESN'T:
You have a car.
Máš auto. |
You don't have a car.
Nemáš auto. |
He has a car.
Má auto. |
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto. |
TO HAVE – zápor – časování – jednotné číslo:
I don't have
já nemám |
you don't have
ty nemáš |
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
on nemá
ona nemá
ono nemá
TO HAVE – zápor – časování – množné číslo:
we don't have
my nemáme |
you don't have
vy nemáte |
they don't have
oni nemají |
Všimněte si, že HAVE se v záporu nemění. Porovnejte:
He has a car.
Má auto |
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto. |
Nikoliv: He doesn't has...
We don't have a TV. = Nemáme televizi.
We have a TV.
Máme televizi. |
We don't have a TV.
Nemáme televizi. |
He doesn't have a passport. = Nemá pas.
he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
Ann doesn't have school today. = Ann dnes nemá školu.
She doesn't has have school.
Nemá školu. |
She has school.
Má školu. |
They don't have postcards. = Nemají pohledy.
we don't have
nemáme |
you don't have
nemáte |
they don't have
nemají |
Ve formální angličtině se namísto DON'T a DOESN'T používá DO NOT a DOES NOT:
You don't have a car.
Nemáš auto. |
You do not have a car.
He doesn't have a car.
Nemá auto. |
He does not have a car.
Hurry up! You don't have much time. = Pospěš si! Nemáš moc času.
Stažený tvar: | You don't have... |
Plný tvar: | You do not have... |
I don't have your phone number. = Nemám tvoje telefonní číslo.
I don't have
já nemám |
you don't have
ty nemáš |
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
on nemá
ona nemá
ono nemá
We don't have your address. = Nemáme tvoji adresu.
we don't have
nemáme |
you don't have
nemáte |
they don't have
nemají |
I don't have a dog. I have two cats. = Nemám psa. Mám dvě kočky.
I don't have... | Nemám... |
I have... | Mám... |
Emily doesn't have a sister. = Emily nemá sestru.
She doesn't has have... | Nemá... |
She has... | Má... |
The room doesn't have a balcony. = Pokoj nemá balkón.
he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
Oh no! We don't have the key. = Ale ne! Nemáme klíč.
We don't have... | Nemáme... |
He doesn't have... | On nemá... |
Clara doesn't have straight hair. = Klára nemá rovné vlasy.
She doesn't has have... | Nemá... |
She has... | Má... |
Robert doesn't have green eyes. = Robert nemá zelené oči.
he doesn't have
on nemá
she doesn't have
ona nemá
it doesn't have
ono nemá
It is cold and you don't have gloves. = Je zima a ty nemáš rukavice.
Stažený tvar: | You don't have... |
Plný tvar: | You do not have... |
I like these shoes, but they don't have my size. = Líbí se mi tyto boty, ale nemají moji velikost.
we don't have
nemáme |
you don't have
nemáte |
they don't have
nemají |
Zápor se slovesem TO HAVE (verb TO HAVE – negation) – shrnutí:
jednotné číslo | množné číslo |
I don't have
we don't have
you don't have
you don't have
he doesn't have
she doesn't have
it doesn't have
they don't have
Doporučujeme si procvičit zápor se slovesem TO HAVE v našich devíti cvičeních.
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