Would do, was going to do... (B2)

Future in the past (425)

Vyjádření budoucnosti v minulém čase

Hlavní přehled

Vyjádření budoucnosti v minulém čase – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme také lekce na budoucí čas (z pohledu přítomnosti):

Johnny said he would do bungee jumping with me, but then he changed his mind.

Budoucnost v přítomném čase:
He says he will do it.
Budoucnost v minulém čase:
He said he would do it.
Johnny řekl, že se mnou bude dělat bungee jumping, ale pak si to rozmyslel.
Johnny said he would do bungee jumping with me, but then he changed his mind.

O budoucnosti můžeme mluvit z pohledu přítomnosti nebo minulosti:

Budoucnost v přítomném čase Budoucnost v minulém čase
I'm going to book the ticket.
I was going to book the ticket.
I know the flight will be delayed.
I knew the flight would be delayed.

Pro budoucnost z pohledu minulosti (future in the past) používáme obvykle dvě možnosti:

Chtěla udělat těstoviny.
She was going to make pasta.
Myslela si, že budu mít hlad.
She thought I would be hungry.

I was about to jump in the water when I noticed a shark fin.

Budoucnost v přítomném čase:
I'm about to jump in.
I will jump in.
Budoucnost v minulém čase:
I was about to jump in.
I said I would jump in.
Chtěl jsem skočit do vody, když jsem si všiml žraločí ploutve.
I was about to jump in the water when I noticed a shark fin.
I was going to do, was to do, was about to do...

Porovnejte vazby se slovesem BE v přítomném a minulém čase:

Budoucnost v přítomném čase Budoucnost v minulém čase
Don't worry. I'm going to get the tickets today.
I was going to get the tickets yesterday, but I totally forgot about it.
Have you heard that Alex is leaving for Germany soon?
The last time I met Alex, he was leaving for a new job in Berlin.
The discovery is to have a major effect on the treatment of leukemia.
Nobody expected that their discovery was to have a major effect on the treatment of leukemia.
Hurry up! The train is just about to leave!
We got on the train when it was just about to leave.
Are you okay? You look like you're on the verge of a meltdown.
You looked like you were on the verge of a meltdown.

Více o vazbách typu BE ABOUT TO a BE ON THE VERGE OF v lekci: Další způsoby vyjádření budoucnosti

Jason and Alicia were busy packing for their vacation. They were leaving the next day.

They're leaving tomorrow.
They were leaving the next day.
Jason a Alicia měli plné ruce práce s balením na dovolenou. Druhý den odjížděli.
Jason and Alicia were busy packing for their vacation. They were leaving the next day.

When Al found out Erica was going to have a baby, he was incredibly happy.

She is going to have a baby.
She was going to have a baby.
Když Al zjistil, že Erica čeká dítě, byl neuvěřitelně šťastný.
When Al found out Erica was going to have a baby, he was incredibly happy.

The plane was about to take off, so the stewardess helped me buckle up.

The plane is about to take off.
The plane was about to take off.
Letadlo se chystalo ke startu, a tak mi letuška pomohla se připoutat.
The plane was about to take off, so the stewardess helped me buckle up.
I would do, would be doing, would have done...

Porovnejte WILL a WOULD:

Budoucnost v přítomném čase Budoucnost v minulém čase
Ben has nothing better to do. He'll go camping with his workmates.
Ben told his workmates he'd go camping with them.
I'll be playing golf again next week.
I never thought I'd be playing golf so often.
By the end of this month, Matt will have fixed the roof.
By the end of that month, Matt would have fixed the roof.
By the time we get to London, I'll have been driving for 15 hours.
By the time we got to London, I'd have been driving for 15 hours. That's why I insisted on spending the night in Amsterdam.

The customer support agent said he'd get in touch with me that day.

I'll get in touch with you today.
He said he'd get in touch with me that day.
Pracovník zákaznické podpory mi řekl, že se mi ještě ten den ozve.
The customer support agent said he'd get in touch with me that day.

Back then you were incredibly ambitious. Everybody expected you would be running your own café by the age of thirty.

They expect you will be running it.
They expected you would be running it.
Tehdy jsi měla velké ambice. Všichni očekávali, že do třiceti let budeš mít vlastní kavárnu.
Back then you were incredibly ambitious. Everybody expected you would be running your own café by the age of thirty.

I thought I'd have repaired the car by midday. Unfortunately, it took longer than I had anticipated.

I think I'll repair it by midday.
I thought I'd repair it by midday.
Myslel jsem, že budu mít do poledne auto opravené. Bohužel mi to však trvalo déle, než jsem čekal.
I thought I'd have repaired the car by midday. Unfortunately, it took longer than I had anticipated.
Děj se často nakonec neodehraje

Pokud mluvíme o budoucnosti v minulém čase, nemusí být vždy zřejmé, jestli se děj odehrál, nebo ne.

The man I had a date with was very late. I assumed he was going to stand me up.

I assumed he was going to stand me up. In the end, he didn't.
I assumed he was going to stand me up and he did.
Muž, se kterým jsem měla rande, měl velké zpoždění. Předpokládala jsem, že se už neukáže.
The man I had a date with was very late. I assumed he was going to stand me up.

Pomocí WAS GOING TO, WAS DUE TO, WAS SUPPOSED TO a WAS ABOUT TO často vyjadřujeme děj, který se nakonec neodehrál:

We were going to go cycling, but then it started to rain. (= We didn't go.)
I was going to propose to her yesterday, but she got angry with me so I didn't.
They were due to deliver the package earlier today. (= They didn't deliver it.)
You were supposed to check in with me before ordering anything. (= You didn't check in with me.)
He was just about to back out of the driveway when he noticed the hedgehog. (= He didn't back out.)

Why is that report still on your desk? You were due to send it to Mr. Austen on Wednesday, weren't you?

Nestalo se:
You were due to send it.
I was going to send it.
I was about to send it.
Proč máš tu zprávu stále ještě na stole? Měl jsi ji přece ve středu poslat panu Austenovi, ne?
Why is that report still on your desk? You were due to send it to Mr. Austen on Wednesday, weren't you?

What's going on? You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Are you stuck in traffic or something?

Nestalo se:
You were supposed to be here an hour ago.
Co se děje? Měl jsi tu být už před hodinou. Uvízl jsi v zácpě nebo něco podobného?
What's going on? You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Are you stuck in traffic or something?

I was about to score a goal when a player from the other team brought me down.

Nestalo se:
I was about to score.
Chystal jsem se dát gól, když mě hráč z druhého týmu srazil na zem.
I was about to score a goal when a player from the other team brought me down.
I was to do = děj se odehrál
I was to have done = děj se neodehrál

WAS TO + infinitiv (was to do, was to happen...) použijeme pro budoucí děj, který se odehrál:

The chauffeur who was to drive us to the airport arrived at our hotel on time. (= He drove us there.)

WAS TO HAVE + třetí tvar slovesa (was to have done, was to have happened...) použijeme pro budoucí děj, který se neodehrál:

The chauffeur who was to have driven us to the airport had an accident on his way to the hotel. (= He didn't drive us there.)

Vazby s WAS TO/WAS TO HAVE jsou poměrně formální. V hovorovější angličtině je běžnější např. WAS SUPPOSED TO nebo WAS GOING TO:

He was to have driven us there.
He was supposed to drive us there.
He was going to drive us there.

Since we were to pick strawberries, the children were really looking forward to that afternoon.

Stalo se:
We were to pick strawberries.
Nestalo se:
We were to have picked strawberries.
Protože jsme měli sbírat jahody, děti se na to odpoledne moc těšily.
Since we were to pick strawberries, the children were really looking forward to that afternoon.

The concert was to have taken place later that day. Unfortunately, it was postponed.

Nestalo se:
It was to have taken place.
Stalo se:
It was to take place.
Koncert se měl konat ještě ten den. Bohužel byl ale odložen.
The concert was to have taken place later that day. Unfortunately, it was postponed.

After learning about my wife's infidelities, I was supposed to file for divorce. In the end, I didn't.

Nestalo se:
I was supposed to file for it.
I was to have filed for it.
Poté, co jsem se dozvěděl o manželčině nevěře, jsem měl podat žádost o rozvod. Nakonec jsem to neudělal.
After learning about my wife's infidelities, I was supposed to file for divorce. In the end, I didn't.

Vyjádření budoucnosti v minulém čase – shrnutí a tip na závěr: