Say, tell, ask – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Courtney said she would show me around the city.
She said she would... |
She said to me she would... |
She told me she would... |
Slovesa SAY, TELL a ASK často uvozují nepřímou řeč (reported speech):
Přímá řeč | Nepřímá řeč |
I live in Sydney.
John says he lives in Sydney.
John told me he lived in Sydney.
Do you study there?
I asked John if he studied there.
SAY a TELL jsou významově velmi podobné, ale používáme je odlišně. Porovnejte:
He said he was a student.
He said to me he was a student.
He told me he was a student.
SAY, TELL a ASK + TO infinitiv často používáme k vyjádření rozkazu, instrukce nebo žádosti:
Přímá řeč | Nepřímá řeč |
Stay here!
John says to stay there.
John told me to stay there.
Can you please stay here?
John asked me to stay there.
She told me she would wait.
She said to me she would wait.
Nikoliv: told to me, said me
He told me nothing.
He said nothing.
He said nothing to me.
They told us the truth.
Could you say hi to your parents?
I said goodbye and left.
Samostatně (= bez osoby) používáme obvykle SAY:
She said she would wait.
What did she say?
Nikoliv: She TOLD she..., What did she TELL?
Janet is in a great mood. What did you say to her? – I told her I had found the perfect flat for us.
I said to her... |
I told to her... |
Did they tell you that the flight was cancelled or only delayed?
What did they tell you?
What did they say to you?
What did they say?
What is the man saying? I don't speak Spanish.
What is he telling saying?
What is he telling you?
James told us a funny story to lighten up the atmosphere.
He told to us a story.
The children say that they don't like the cake. You can finish it!
They say that... |
They tell us that... |
Přímá řeč | Nepřímá řeč |
Gina told me to help.
Gina said to help.
Hurry up!
Gina told us to hurry.
Gina said to hurry.
S tímto významem je TELL běžnější než SAY.
My grandma used to give me change and tell me to save it.
She told me to save it.
She instructed me to save it.
The doctor said to drink a lot of tea with lemon and sleep.
Instrukce: |
Drink...! |
He said to drink... |
He told me to drink... |
Danielle told me not to talk to the press about it.
She told me to not not to talk.
Přímá řeč | Nepřímá řeč |
Can you please help?
Gina asked me to help.
Could you please hurry?
Gina asked me to hurry.
Our neighbours asked us to walk their dog while they were away.
Žádost: |
Could you walk him?
They asked us to walk him.
SAY, TELL a ASK – nejdůležitější body:
He said he was happy.
He said to me he was happy.
He told me he was happy.
Přímá řeč | Nepřímá řeč |
Close it!
He said to close it.
He told me to close it.
Can you please close it?
He asked me to close it.
Doporučujeme si procvičit SAY, TELL a ASK v našich cvičeních.
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