To have done (B1)

Perfect infinitive (354)

Minulý infinitiv

Hlavní přehled

Minulý infinitiv (perfect infinitive) – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další související lekce:

I'm so happy to have met Caroline. We just got married! = Jsem moc šťastný, že jsem se tehdy s Caroline seznámil. Právě jsme se vzali!

I'm happy to have met her.
Jsem moc šťastný, že jsem se tehdy s Caroline seznámil. Právě jsme se vzali!
I'm so happy to have met Caroline. We just got married!

Minulý infinitiv se tvoří pomocí TO HAVE + třetího tvaru slovesa (done, been, played...):

to have done
to have been
to have played
to have met
to have lived


Přítomný infinitiv Minulý infinitiv
to do
to have done
to be
to have been
to play
to have played
to meet
to have met
to live
to have lived
Je od vás milé, že pomáháte.
It's kind of you to help.
Je od vás milé, že jste pomohli.
It's kind of you to have helped.
Zdá se, že jí to chutná.
She seems to like it.
Zdá se, že jí to chutnalo.
She seems to have liked it.

Minulý infinitiv (to have visited, to have been...) odkazuje do minulosti:

We're glad to have visited Japan.
Jsme rádi, že jsme Japonsko navštívili.
She claims to have been the best.
Tvrdí, že byla nejlepší.
He pretended to have passed the exam.
Předstíral, že zkoušku udělal.

S podobným významem jako minulý infinitiv můžeme často použít vedlejší větu:

We're glad to have visited it.
We're glad that we visited it.
She claims to have been the best.
She claims that she was the best.
He pretended to have passed it.
He pretended that he had passed it.

You must be very proud to have represented the United States in the Olympics.

You must be proud to have represented...
You must be proud that you (have) represented...
Musíte být velmi hrdé na to, že jste reprezentovaly Spojené státy na olympijských hrách.
You must be very proud to have represented the United States in the Olympics.

V záporu používáme NOT:

We're glad not to have visited it.
Jsme rádi, že jsme ho nenavštívili.
She claims not to have been the best.
Trvdí, že nebyla nejlepší.
He pretended not to have passed it.
Předstíral, že ji neudělal.

Nikoliv: We're glad TO NOT have..., We're glad to HAVEN'T...

Zdá se, že tomu nerozuměl.
He seems not to have understood.
Omlouvám se, že jsem nezavolala.
I'm sorry not to have called.

Alex claims not to have broken the plate. He says it was the cat.

He claims not to have broken it.
He claims to haven't...
Alex tvrdí, že ten talíř nerozbil. Říká, že to byla kočka.
Alex claims not to have broken the plate. He says it was the cat.

Minulý infinitiv používáme po některých přídavných jménech:

It's great to have gotten the news from my old friends.
Je skvělé, že jsem dostal zprávy od svých starých přátel.
She's upset to have split up with her boyfriend.
Je rozrušená, protože se rozešla se svým přítelem.
He was surprised to have lifted such heavy weights.
Překvapilo ho, že zvedl tak těžké činky.


It's great to get the news.
Je skvělé dostat zprávy.
It's great to have gotten the news.
Je skvělé, že jsem dostal zprávy.

Více o přídavných jménech s infinitivem v lekci: Easy to do, nice of you to do...

The boys were thrilled to have advanced to the next round.

They were thrilled to have advanced.
They were pleased to have won.
They were sad not to have scored.
Kluci byli nadšení, že postoupili do dalšího kola.
The boys were thrilled to have advanced to the next round.

You're really lucky to have seen elephants in the wild.

You're lucky to see them now.
You're lucky to have seen them then.
Máte opravdu štěstí, že jste viděli slony ve volné přírodě.
You're really lucky to have seen elephants in the wild.

Minulý infinitiv používáme po některých slovesech, jako např. SEEM, APPEAR, CLAIM:

They seem to have lost a lot of weight.
Zdá se, že hodně zhubli.
Did they claim not to have read it?
Tvrdili, že to nečetli?
He would prefer to have stayed at a hostel.
Byl by raději přespal v hostelu.
I would like them to have worked together.
Byl bych rád, kdyby spolupracovali.

Alison and Maddox seem to have fallen in love.

They seem to have fallen in love.
They claim to have fallen in love.
They appear to have fallen in love.
Zdá se, že se Alison a Maddox do sebe zamilovali.
Alison and Maddox seem to have fallen in love.

Mr Jones appears to have forgotten about the meeting. I'll give him a ring.

He appears to have forgotten about it.
It appears that he has forgotten about it.
Zdá se, že pan Jones na schůzku zapomněl. Zavolám mu.
Mr Jones appears to have forgotten about the meeting. I'll give him a ring.

I would love to have seen Sara's expression when she opened the present!

I would love to see it now.
I would love to have seen it then.
Chtěla bych vidět Sářin výraz, když rozbalila dárek!
I would love to have seen Sara's expression when she opened the present!

S modálními slovesy COULD, MUST, SHOULD... používáme minulý infinitiv bez TO:

I could have done it.
Možná jsem to udělal.
I may have done it.
I might have done it.
I must have done it.
Určitě jsem to udělal.
I can't have done it.
Určitě jsem to neudělal.
I should have done it.
Měl jsem to udělat.
I would have done it.
Byl bych to udělal.

Nikoliv: could TO have done, may TO have done

Více o COULD HAVE DONE, MUST HAVE DONE... v lekci: Minulá modální slovesa

I've seen loads of horror movies and this one could have been the scariest.

It could have been...
It may have been...
It might have been...
Už jsem viděla spoustu hororů a tenhle byl možná nejstrašidelnější.
I've seen loads of horror movies and this one could have been the scariest.

You look quite sunburnt! You should have put on sunscreen.

You should put it on now.
You should have put it on before.
Vypadáš dost spáleně! Měl ses namazat opalovacím krémem.
You look quite sunburnt! You should have put on sunscreen.

If Dan hadn't taken a cab, he would have missed his flight.

He would to have missed it.
Kdyby si Dan nevzal taxi, zmeškal by let.
If Dan hadn't taken a cab, he would have missed his flight.

Minulý infinitiv – shrnutí a tip na závěr: