Sorry to do, sorry for doing... (B1)

Sorry, interested, afraid (382)

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Sorry, interested, afraid – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další související lekce:

I'm sorry for cancelling our trip. I promise I'll make it up to you.

Je mi líto, že jsem zrušil:
I'm sorry for cancelling it.
Je mi líto, že zruším:
I'm sorry to cancel it.
Je mi líto, že jsem náš výlet zrušil. Slibuju, že vám to vynahradím.
I'm sorry for cancelling our trip. I promise I'll make it up to you.

SORRY, INTERESTED a AFRAID používáme podle významu s TO infinitivem nebo s předložkou + ING:

I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you now? (= apology for a present/future action)
I'm sorry for not calling you sooner. (= apology for a past action)
I'm interested to know what you think about my plan. (= It would be interesting for me to know...)
I'm interested in travelling to Asia. (= I'm thinking about travelling...)
I'm afraid to walk through the jungle. (= I don't want to do it because it can be dangerous.)
I'm afraid of the monkey hurting me. (= I'm afraid of something happening to me.)
Je mi líto, že vám musím sdělit špatnou zprávu.
I'm sorry to tell you bad news.
Je mi líto, že jsem naboural vaše auto.
I'm sorry for crashing your car.
Rád by se dozvěděl víc.
He's interested to learn more.
Uvažuje o koupi auta.
He's interested in buying a car.
Bojí se řídit.
She's afraid to drive.
Bojí se, že se jí stane nehoda.
She's afraid of having an accident.
Sorry to do = apology for a present/future action

I'M SORRY TO DO SOMETHING = omlouvám se, že něco dělám nebo se chystám udělat:

We are sorry to bother you, but this is urgent. (= We apologise that we are/will be bothering you, but...)
I'm sorry to drop in unexpectedly like this. (= I'm sorry that I've just dropped in...)

We're really sorry to disappoint you, but we can't come after all.

Omlouváme se, že uděláme:
We're sorry to disappoint you.
We'll disappoint you and we apologise for that.
Strašně neradi vás zklameme, ale nakonec nemůžeme přijet.
We're really sorry to disappoint you, but we can't come after all.

I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to get past to use the toilet.

Omlouvám se, že udělám:
I'm sorry disturbing to disturb you.
Nerad vás ruším, ale potřebuji projít na toaletu.
I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to get past to use the toilet.
I'm sorry to hear/find out/learn... = je mi líto, že...

SORRY + TO infinitiv používáme, pokud chceme vyjádřit soucit a pochopení ohledně nějaké nepříjemné situace:

We're sorry to hear about your financial problems.
Je nám líto, že máš finanční problémy.
I was sorry to learn that Adrien had been seriously injured.
Když jsem se dozvěděl, že se Adrien vážně zranil, bylo mi to líto.

We were so sorry to read about your father's passing. He was a great man.

We were sorry to read about it.
We were sorry to learn about it.
We were sorry to hear about it.
Velice nás mrzelo, když jsme si přečetli o odchodu vašeho otce. Byl to skvělý člověk.
We were so sorry to read about your father's passing. He was a great man.
Sorry for doing = apology for a past action

I'M SORRY FOR DOING SOMETHING = omlouvám se, že jsem v minulosti něco udělal:

Katy's really sorry for breaking the mug. (= She's apologising for what she did in the past.)
They're sorry for waking us up at night. (= They're sorry they woke us up.)

I'm sorry for being late yesterday. I got stuck in traffic.

Omlouvám se, že jsem udělal:
I'm sorry for being late.
I'm sorry I was late.
Omlouvám se za včerejší zpoždění. Uvízl jsem v zácpě.
I'm sorry for being late yesterday. I got stuck in traffic.

Courtney is sorry for not contacting you herself. She's too busy.

She's sorry for not contact contacting you.
Courtney se omlouvá, že vás nekontaktovala sama. Je příliš zaneprázdněná.
Courtney is sorry for not contacting you herself. She's too busy.


We're sorry to disappoint you. (= apology for a present/future action)
Je nám líto, že vás zklameme.
We're sorry for disappointing you. (= apology for a past action)
Je nám líto, že jsme vás zklamali.

I'm sorry to be a nuisance, but could you get some eggs on your way home?

Omlouvám se za přítomnost/budoucnost:
I'm sorry to be a nuisance.
Omlouvám se za minulost:
I'm sorry for being a nuisance yesterday.
Omlouvám se, že tě obtěžuju, ale mohl bys cestou domů koupit vajíčka?
I'm sorry to be a nuisance, but could you get some eggs on your way home?
Interested to do = it would be interesting to do

I'M INTERESTED TO DO SOMETHING = bylo by pro mě zajímavé něco dělat:

They're interested to have a look at your idea. (It'd be interesting for them if they could have a look at...)
Aren't you interested to find out who won? (Wouldn't it be interesting for you to find out...?)

INTERESTED TO se často používá se slovesy typu SEE, HEAR, KNOW, LEARN:

Jsem zvědavý na tento dokument.
I'm interested to see this documentary.
Ráda bych slyšela tvůj názor.
I'm interested to hear your opinion.
Zajímá mě cena.
I'm interested to know the price.
Rád bych se dozvěděl podrobnosti.
I'm interested to learn the details.

Are you interested to find out more about the tour to South America?

Are you interested to find out...?
Are you interested to learn...?
Are you interested to see...?
Máte zájem dozvědět se více o zájezdu do Jižní Ameriky?
Are you interested to find out more about the tour to South America?
Interested in doing = thinking about doing

I'M INTERESTED IN DOING SOMETHING = zajímám se o něco; zamýšlím/chci něco dělat:

Would you be interested in selling your house? (= Would you want to sell...?)
He's interested in going climbing this weekend. (= He's thinking about going climbing.)

We're interested in buying this camera. Can you show us how it works?

Zamýšlet udělat:
We're interested in buying it.
We're thinking about buying it.
Máme zájem o koupi tohoto foťáku. Můžete nám ukázat, jak funguje?
We're interested in buying this camera. Can you show us how it works?

Madison sounds like my kind of person. I'm definitely interested in meeting her.

Chtít udělat:
I'm interested in meeting her.
I want to meet her.
Madison zní jako můj typ člověka. Určitě se s ní chci seznámit.
Madison sounds like my kind of person. I'm definitely interested in meeting her.

My brother is completely uninterested in playing sports.

(Ne)zajímat se o něco:
He's not interested in play playing it.
Můj bratr nemá o sportování vůbec zájem.
My brother is completely uninterested in playing sports.
I'm afraid to do → I do intentionally

I'M AFRAID TO DO SOMETHING = obávám se dělat něco, co může být např. nebezpečné nebo mít špatný výsledek. Vazbu používáme pro činnosti, které děláme záměrně:

He's afraid to speak publicly. (= He doesn't want to do it because the result could be bad.)
I'm afraid to jump from such a height. (= I don't want to do it because it could be dangerous.)

David is afraid to tell his parents about the broken window.

Obávat se dělat něco:
He's afraid to tell them.
David se bojí říct rodičům o rozbitém okně.
David is afraid to tell his parents about the broken window.

Were you afraid to skydive? – Not at all!

Obávat se dělat něco:
Were you afraid to skydive?
Were you afraid to jump?
Were you afraid to use the parachute?
Bála ses skočit s padákem? – Vůbec ne!
Were you afraid to skydive? – Not at all!
I'm afraid of doing → it can happen to me

I'M AFRAID OF SOMETHING HAPPENING = obávám se, že se něco stane:

She's afraid of drowning. (= She's afraid that this could happen to her.)
Are you afraid of sharks attacking you? (= Are you afraid that this will happen to you?)

The road was covered with snow, so I was afraid of having an accident.

Obávat se, že se něco stane:
I was afraid of having an accident.
Silnice byla pokrytá sněhem, takže jsem měl obavy z nehody.
The road was covered with snow, so I was afraid of having an accident.

Aren't you afraid of getting hurt while playing rugby?

Obávat se, že se něco stane:
Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?
Nebojíš se, že se při rugby zraníš?
Aren't you afraid of getting hurt while playing rugby?


I'm afraid to climb the rock. (= something I do intentionally)
I'm afraid of falling off the rock. (= something that can happen to me)

Nikoliv: I'm afraid OF CLIMBING.; I'm afraid TO FALL.

George was afraid to hold the snake. I didn't mind.

He was afraid to hold it.
He was afraid of getting bitten.
George se bál hada držet. Mně to nevadilo.
George was afraid to hold the snake. I didn't mind.

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