No, any, nobody, anybody... (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na výrazy obsahující NO (no, none, nobody, no one, nothing) a porovnáme je s výrazy s ANY (any, anybody, anyone, anything).

No, any, nobody, anybody... – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

The concert tickets were too expensive, so I bought none.

I bought none
I bought no tickets.
I didn't buy any.
I didn't buy any tickets.
Lístky na concert byly příliš drahé, tak jsem žádné nekoupila.
The concert tickets were too expensive, so I bought none.

O záporných výrazech obsahujících NO obecně platí:

žádné hranolky
no fries
nikdo z nás
none of us
Nikdo nebyl doma.
No one was at home.
Nikdo si nepřinesl tužku.
Nobody brought their pencils.
NO + podstatné jméno
No questions were answered.
This frying pan was rather expensive because it requires no oil.
There are no open shops on Sunday.
Ben's only studying and working. He has no social life and no friends.

Nikoliv: none questions, none oil

žádný cukr
no sugar
žádný toaletní papír
no toilet paper

If you cancel the reservation two months in advance, there's no cancellation fee.

no fee
none fee
Pokud rezervaci zrušíte dva měsíce předem, neplatíte žádný storno poplatek.
If you cancel the reservation two months in advance, there's no cancellation fee.
NONE samostatně
How many questions did they answer? – None (= No questions).
Are there any shops open on Sunday? – I believe none (= no shops) are open today.
Does this pan require a lot of oil? – It requires none (= no oil).
How's Ben's social life? – What social life? He has none (= no social life).

We were going to rent motorbikes. In the end we rented none because the place was closed.

We rented none.
We rented no motorbikes.
Plánovali jsme si půjčit nějaké motorky. Nakonec jsme si nepůjčili žádnou, protože tam měli zavřeno.
We were going to rent motorbikes. In the end we rented none because the place was closed.
None of the friends, none of my friends, none of them...
None of the friends visited me in London.
None of these friends wanted to come for the summer.
None of them felt like playing video games.
At the end of the day, none of it matters.

Nikoliv: none friends, none the friends

None of the children wanted another cookie. They were all full.

None of the children wanted...
None of them wanted...
No children wanted...
Žádné z dětí nechtělo další sušenku. Všechny byly syté.
None of the children wanted another cookie. They were all full.

The spokeswoman said none of their airplanes showed safety risks. None of us think that's true.

no none of their airplanes
no none of us
Mluvčí uvedla, že žádné z jejich letadel nevykazovalo bezpečnostní rizika. Nikdo z nás si nemyslí, že je to pravda.
The spokeswoman said none of their airplanes showed safety risks. None of us think that's true.
Nobody/no one + is, was...
I knocked on the door, but nobody was home.
Ali is a great wrestler. No one has ever beaten him.

Michael has been caught lying many times. Nobody trusts him anymore.

Nobody trust trusts him.
Michael byl mnohokrát přistižen při lži. Nikdo mu už nevěří.
Michael has been caught lying many times. Nobody trusts him anymore.
Nobody/no one + they, their...
Nobody is themselves when they start dating.
Na prvních pár schůzkách nikdo není tak úplně ve své kůži.
No one knows their exam result yet, do they?
Nikdo ještě neví, jak mu dopadla zkouška, nebo snad ano?
Why did no one claim their money?
Proč se nikdo nepřihlásil o své peníze?

Nobody has left me a message today, have they?

Nobody has left a message, have they?
No one has left a message, have they?
Nikdo mi dnes nenechal zprávu, že ne?
Nobody has left me a message today, have they?
NO, NOBODY... nepoužíváme s dalším záporem
You will have no difficulty fitting in.
Nebudeš mít problém zapadnout.
Nobody was interested in the issue.
Nikoho ten problém nezajímal.
It's dark outside. I can see nothing whatsoever.
Venku je tma. Nevidím vůbec nic.

Neříkáme: You won't have no...; Nobody wasn't...; I can't see nothing...

There's nothing in the fridge. I have to get some groceries tonight.

There isn't is nothing.
There isn't is no milk.
There isn't is nobody here.
V lednici nic není. Musím večer nakoupit.
There's nothing in the fridge. I have to get some groceries tonight.
Záporná věta + ANY

Ve větě se záporem používáme ANY (any, anybody, anyone, anything...) nebo A/AN:

I don't have any cash on me.
Nemám u sebe žádné peníze.
Jessica has never given me any advice or any tips.
Jessica mi nikdy nedala žádné rady nebo tipy.
Jake hasn't been to a zoo, so he hasn't seen an elephant.
Jake nikdy nebyl v zoo, takže ještě neviděl slona.
Promise you won't tell this to anybody.
Slib mi, že to nikomu neřekneš.
I won't have anything to work on this afternoon.
Odpoledne nebudu mít na čem pracovat.

ANY (žádný) používáme s nepočitatelným (money, advice...) nebo s množným číslem (apples, houses...):

I don't have any money.
I don't have any apples.

A/AN používáme s počitatelným jednotným číslem (apple, house...):

I don't have an apple.


I will call nobody.
I won't call anybody.
I understood nothing.
I didn't understand anything.

We can't print anything. We're out of paper.

We can't print anything.
We can print nothing.
Nemůžeme nic vytisknout. Došel nám papír.
We can't print anything. We're out of paper.

I'll make no noise. If you let me stay here, I'll be absolutely quiet.

I'll make no noise.
I won't make any noise.
Nebudu dělat žádný hluk. Jestli mě tu necháš, budu úplně zticha.
I'll make no noise. If you let me stay here, I'll be absolutely quiet.

V podmětu se používá obvykle NO, NOBODY...:

No dogs are allowed in the building.
The house seems empty. Nobody lives there.
Don't worry, nothing happened.

Neříkáme: Any dogs aren't...; Anybody doesn't...; ...anything didn't happen.

Luckily, no one was injured in the fire.

No one was injured.
Anyone wasn't...
Při požáru se naštěstí nikdo nezranil.
Luckily, no one was injured in the fire.

Nothing special was happening in the town. Everyone was going about their normal business.

Nothing was happening.
Anything wasn't...
Ve městě se nedělo nic zvláštního. Všichni se věnovali svým běžným činnostem.
Nothing special was happening in the town. Everyone was going about their normal business.

None of these books are mine. They're my granddad's.

None of these are mine.
Any of these aren't...
Žádná z těchto knih není moje. Jsou mého dědečka.
None of these books are mine. They're my granddad's.
Kladná věta + ANY = jakýkoliv

Výrazy s ANY mají v kladné oznamovací větě význam – nezáleží na tom jaký/kdo/co... (= it doesn't matter which/who/what/etc.):

Please feel free to make any comments in the space provided below.
Do prostoru níže neváhejte napsat jakékoliv komentáře.
The boutique has a special offer for anyone who spends over two hundred dollars.
Butik má speciální nabídku pro kohokoliv, kdo utratí přes dvě stě dolarů.
If you put in enough effort, you can accomplish nearly anything.
Pokud se budeš něčemu pořádně věnovat, můžeš dosáhnout téměř čehokoliv.


If you put your mind to it, you can do anything!
Když se budeš snažit, tak dokážeš cokoliv!
You can try, but there's nothing you can do about it.
Můžeš to zkusit, ale nic na tom nezměníš.
You may ask anyone for help, it's not against the rules.
O pomoc můžeš požádat kohokoliv, není to proti pravidlům.
Ask no one for help, you have to do it on your own.
Neříkej si nikomu o pomoc, musíš to udělat sám.

You can ask anybody here. Everybody is very friendly.

You can ask anybody.
It doesn't matter who you ask.
Tady se můžeš zeptat kohokoli. Všichni jsou velmi přátelští.
You can ask anybody here. Everybody is very friendly.

Lin could borrow any clothes she likes. I wouldn't mind at all!

She could borrow any clothes.
She couldn't borrow any clothes.
She could borrow no clothes.
Lin by si mohla půjčit jakékoliv oblečení, které se jí líbí. Vůbec by mi to nevadilo!
Lin could borrow any clothes she likes. I wouldn't mind at all!

No, any, nobody, anybody – nejdůležitější body:

There are no apples.
How many apples are there? – None.
None of the apples are left.
Nobody is here.
Nobody is enjoying themselves.
I saw nobody.
I didn't see anybody.

Doporučujeme si procvičit NO, ANY, NOBODY, ANYBODY... v našich cvičeních.