To, for, so that (B1)

Expressing purpose (381)

Vyjádření účelu

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na vyjadřování účelu (= proč se něco dělá, k čemu něco slouží apod.) pomocí TO, FOR a SO THAT.

Vyjádření účelu – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Alana used to be a professional field hockey player. Now, she just plays it to have fun.

She plays it to have fun.
She plays it for fun.
She plays it so that she could have fun.
Alana bývala profesionální hráčkou pozemního hokeje. Teď ho hraje jen pro zábavu.
Alana used to be a professional field hockey player. Now, she just plays it to have fun.

Účel (purpose) můžeme vyjádřit pomocí konstrukcí s TO, FOR a SO THAT:

Přišel si koupit kávu.
He came to get coffee.
Karta slouží k získávání slev.
The card is for getting discounts.
Přišel pro kávu.
He came for coffee.
Přišel, aby mohl použít wifi.
He came so that he could use the wifi.
To have fun, to get coffee, to learn English...

Pomocí TO infinitivu vyjadřujeme účel nějaké činnosti (= proč někdo něco dělá):

Why did you go to Australia? – I went there to learn English. (= My purpose/goal was to learn English.)
I'm calling you to ask for advice.

Ve formálnější angličtině můžeme namísto TO použít IN ORDER TO/SO AS TO:

I went there in order to learn English.
I went there so as to learn English.

We got up early today to see the sunrise.

We got up early to see the sunrise.
He got up early to pack his luggage.
She got up early to go for a swim.
Dnes jsme vstali brzy, abychom viděli východ slunce.
We got up early today to see the sunrise.

Parker is working hard to be in the best shape for the competition.

He's working to be...
He is working in order to be...
He is working so as to be...
Parker tvrdě pracuje na tom, aby byl v co nejlepší kondici pro soutěž.
Parker is working hard to be in the best shape for the competition.

TO infinitiv vyjadřuje např. také proč něco někde je, proč někdo něco má, chce nebo potřebuje:

Why did you put that wire around the plants? – The wire is to prevent animals from eating the berries. (= The purpose of the wire is to prevent...)
Do you need this tool to change tires? Do you want me to help you?

Take this key. You'll need it to open the entrance gate.

You'll need it open to open the gate.
Vezměte si tento klíč. Budete ho potřebovat k otevření vstupní brány.
Take this key. You'll need it to open the entrance gate.

TO infinitiv se může kromě slovesa vztahovat i k podstatnému jménu/zájmenu:

Sloveso + TO infinitiv Podstatné jméno/zájmeno + TO infinitiv
We should walk to save money.
We have enough money to pay for a taxi.
I'll go to the store to get a coke.
Let's get something to drink.
He stopped for a moment to eat an energy bar.
He didn't have the energy to continue running.

Claudia and Ethan didn't have an opportunity to travel at all last year.

an opportunity to travel
time to go abroad
a reason to fly to France
Claudia a Ethan neměli loni vůbec příležitost cestovat.
Claudia and Ethan didn't have an opportunity to travel at all last year.
For fun, for a cruise, for business...

Účel můžeme vyjádřit pomocí FOR + podstatného jména/zájmena:

He's leaving for a cruise on the Mediterranean.
I suggest we have fish and chips for lunch.
Did we do it for nothing?

This time I won't be in New York for business, but for pleasure.

FOR + podstatné jméno:
for business
for pleasure
Tentokrát nebudu v New Yorku pracovně, ale za zábavou.
This time I won't be in New York for business, but for pleasure.

Do you need a lot of experience for this job?

a lot of experience for this job
a nice meal for dinner
do something for fun
Potřebuješ pro tuto práci hodně zkušeností?
Do you need a lot of experience for this job?
A knife for cutting, a disk for storing...

Pro vyjádření funkce nějaké věci použijeme FOR + ING:

She uses this disk for storing all her photos.
Is this machine for drying clothes in?
nůžky na stříhání papíru
scissors for cutting paper
pánev na přípravu vajec
a pan for making eggs
boty na běhání
shoes for running
brýle na čtení
glasses for reading

Namísto FOR + ING můžeme někdy použít TO infinitiv:

She uses it for storing photos.
She uses it to store photos.
Is it for drying clothes in?
Is it to dry clothes in?

Don't use that cloth for cleaning the floor. I use it for wiping down tables!

K čemu něco slouží:
the cloth for cleaning the floor
a cloth to clean the floor
Nepoužívej ten hadr k čištění podlahy. Já s ním utírám stoly!
Don't use that cloth for cleaning the floor. I use it for wiping down tables!

What is this bowl for? Is it for reheating food?

K čemu něco slouží:
Is it for reheating food?
Is it to reheat food?
K čemu je tato miska? Je na ohřívání jídla?
What is this bowl for? Is it for reheating food?

Pokud vyjadřujeme, proč někdo něco dělá, lze použít pouze TO infinitiv:

I'll go to the centre to have breakfast.

Nikoliv: FOR HAVING breakfast

Více o vyjádření účelu pomocí FOR a TO infinitivu v lekci: To, for

David has been studying to become a doctor for six years.

Proč někdo něco dělá:
He's been studying for becoming to become a doctor.
David na doktora studoval šest let.
David has been studying to become a doctor for six years.
So that you could use it, so that I look good...

Účel nějakého děje můžeme vyjádřit pomocí vedlejší věty začínající na SO THAT:

They bought the house so that they could rent it out.
I want to lose weight so that I'm healthier and look good in a bikini.

Namísto SO THAT lze také použít formálnější IN ORDER THAT:

They bought it in order that they could rent it out.
I want to lose weight in order that I'm healthier.

V běžné angličtině se namísto vedlejších vět se SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT často používá TO infinitiv:

They bought it to rent it out.
I want to lose weight to be healthier.

I'll write down the directions so that I know how to get to the hotel.

I'll write them down so that I know the way.
I'll write them down in order that I know the way.
I'll write them down to know the way.
Napíšu si cestu, abych věděl, jak se dostat do hotelu.
I'll write down the directions so that I know how to get to the hotel.

V některých případech nepoužíváme TO INFINITIV, ale SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT:

Hurry up so that you don't miss your bus!

Záporný účel:
Hurry up so that you don't miss it!
Hurry up not to miss it!
Pospěš si, ať ti neujede autobus!
Hurry up so that you don't miss your bus!

I'll take a lesson so that I can learn good surfing technique.

I'll take the lesson so that I can learn it.
Let's go to the beach so that we could train.
Vezmu si lekci, abych se naučil správnou techniku surfování.
I'll take a lesson so that I can learn good surfing technique.

We should buy the tickets well in advance, so that they are at the best price.

Různé podměty:
You should buy them so that they are...
Letenky bychom si měli koupit s dostatečným předstihem, aby byly za nejlepší cenu.
We should buy the tickets well in advance, so that they are at the best price.

Is Dean going to call the restaurant to make a table reservation?

Stejné podměty:
Is he going to call to make the reservation?
Is he going to call so that he can make the reservation?
Zavolá Dean do restaurace, aby nám rezervoval stůl?
Is Dean going to call the restaurant to make a table reservation?

Pokud je účel záporný, můžeme kromě SO THAT použít také formálnější IN ORDER NOT/SO AS NOT + TO infinitiv:

I'll write it down so that I won't forget it.
I'll write it down in order not to forget it.
He won't tell Becky so that he wouldn't upset her.
He won't tell Becky so as not to upset her.

Pozor, pouze TO infinitiv nelze použít: I'll write it down NOT TO FORGET it.; He won't tell Becky NOT TO UPSET her.

We go jogging every day in order not to get out of shape.

Záporný účel:
We go jogging not to get in order not to get out of shape.
Chodíme běhat každý den, abychom nevypadli z formy.
We go jogging every day in order not to get out of shape.

Vyjádření účelu – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit vyjádření účelu (expressing purpose) v našich cvičeních.