Slovesa FORGET a LEAVE mají podobný význam – zapomenout. Víte, jak se liší?
Forget, leave – procvičování:
Did you forget it?
Zapomněl jsi to? |
Did you leave it on the bus?
Zapomněl jsi to v autobuse? |
I forgot my wallet. I left it in the café.
Bez místa: |
I forgot it.
S místem: |
I left it in the café.
Nejdříve pro zopakování – FORGET a LEAVE jsou nepravidelná slovesa:
I forgot my pen again.
Zapomněla jsem si zase pero. |
Don't forget your scarf.
Nezapomeň si šálu. |
Write it down before you forget it.
Zapiš si to, než to zapomeneš. |
Mike forgot my birthday.
Mike zapomněl na moje narozeniny. |
FORGET používáme obvykle bez místa:
I forgot my pen.
Don't forget it.
Neříkáme: I forgot my pen in the office., Don't forget it in the office.
Don't forget your hat!
Bez místa: |
Don't forget your hat at the hotel.
Ally forgot her racket. I had to lend her mine.
Bez místa: |
She forgot it at home.
FORGET používáme někdy s významem zapomenout na někoho nebo zapomenout něco udělat:
I will never forget you.
Nikdy na tebe nezapomenu. |
Jane can't forget the Italian.
Jane nemůže zapomenout na toho Itala. |
Don't forget to take the pot off the stove.
Nezapomeňte sundat hrnec ze sporáku. |
I'm always forgetting to lock the door.
Pořád zapomínám zamykat dveře. |
FORGET obvykle používáme s infinitivem s TO (to do, to lock, to take...):
Don't forget to do it.
I'm forgetting to lock it.
FORGET používáme také s -ING, ale s trochu odlišným významem. Více o rozdílech v lekci: Slovesa s TO nebo ING
Ann was my first love. I'll never forget her.
Zapomenout na někoho: |
I'll never forget her.
Don't forget to close the window.
forget close to close
forget to lock
forget to open
Opakem FORGET je většinou REMEMBER (pamatovat si; vzpomenout si):
I won't forget it.
Nezapomenu to. |
I'll remember it.
Budu si to pamatovat. |
He didn't forget to do it.
Nezapomněl to udělat. |
He remembered to do it.
Vzpomněl si, že to má udělat. |
I hope you didn't forget to feed Arnie.
Zapomenout: |
forget to feed
Pamatovat si: |
remember to feed
Molly didn't remember to bring the camera.
She didn't remember it.
She forgot it.
I left my homework at home.
Domácí úkol jsem si zapomněl doma. |
Robin left her bag in the supermarket.
Robin zapomněla tašku v supermarketu. |
Mom left her ring somewhere.
Máma někde zapomněla svůj prsten. |
Where did you leave the car keys?
Kde jsi nechal klíče od auta? |
LEAVE používáme obvykle s místem, nebo když se na místo ptáme:
I left it at home.
Where did you leave it?
Neříkáme: I left it., Did you leave it?
Porovnejte LEAVE (= s místem) a FORGET (= bez místa):
Did Ben forget his phone? Where exactly did he leave it?
Yes, Ben forgot his phone. He left it in the kitchen.
Thomas left his passport at the check-in counter.
S místem: |
He left it at the counter.
Bez místa: |
He forgot it.
I left my water bottle somewhere.
S místem: |
I left it somewhere.
Bez místa: |
I forgot it.
Where did you leave the keys?
S místem: |
Where did you leave it?
Bez místa: |
Did you forget it?
LEAVE může znamenat, že se něco někde nechalo, buď neúmyslně (= zapomnělo se), nebo úmyslně. Porovnejte:
Lee has left his money in the hotel. He has to go back for it. (= neúmyslně)
Lee has left the money in the hotel to keep it safe. (= úmyslně)
I wanted to leave the chicken in the oven for one hour. Unfortunately, I forgot about it and left it there for two hours. (= úmyslně a neúmyslně)
Andy left his laptop in the library. When he returned, it was gone.
Nechat neúmyslně: |
He left it there.
We decided to leave the children with my sister.
Nechat úmyslně: |
We left them there.
Don't leave the sausages on the grill for too long. Also, don't forget to turn them.
S místem: |
Don't leave them on the grill.
Bez místa: |
Don't forget to turn them.
Forget, leave – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr:
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