Help to do, can't help doing... (B1)

Vazby se slovesem HELP (326)

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Vazby se slovesem HELP – procvičování:


I help him (to) make lunch.
Pomáhám mu dělat oběd.
I can't help smiling.
Nemohu se ubránit úsměvu./Musím se usmívat.

Every time Sam helps me cook, we can't help laughing.

Pomoci někomu:
He helps me (to) cook.
Nemoci si pomoci:
We can't help laughing.
Pokaždé, když mi Sam pomáhá vařit, nemůžeme se nesmát.
Every time Sam helps me cook, we can't help laughing.

Sloveso HELP používáme v těchto vazbách:

Pomohla mi se stěhováním.
She helped me move.
Pomáhá nám opravovat auta.
He helps us to fix cars.
Nemůžu se ubránit pláči.
I can't help crying.
Museli jsme se usmívat.
We couldn't help smiling.
Help somebody (to) do

Pokud někdo někomu pomáhá, použijeme HELP + (TO) infinitiv:

Did you help (to) wash up?
Dad will help us (to) repair the roof.
She helped me (to) start my business.

Nikoliv: help washING up, help repairING

Pomohl jim s krájením.
He helped them slice.
Pomůžeš jí chodit?
Will you help her walk?
Pomohla jsem mu zabalit.
I helped him to pack.
Pomůže mi uklízet.
She'll help me to clean.

The party was incredible! Did anyone help you plan it or did you do it on your own?

Did anybody help you planning plan it?
Večírek byl neuvěřitelný! Pomáhal ti ho někdo naplánovat, nebo jsi to zvládla sama?
The party was incredible! Did anyone help you plan it or did you do it on your own?

Helen helped me to find the keys. What a sweetheart!

She helped me to find them.
She helped me find them.
Helen mi pomohla najít klíče. To je zlatíčko!
Helen helped me to find the keys. What a sweetheart!
I can't help doing = I can't stop myself from doing

Pokud chceme vyjádřit, že se někdo není schopný něčemu ubránit (smíchu, pláči, myšlence...), použijeme CAN'T/COULDN'T HELP + sloveso s ING:

When I saw his new haircut, I couldn't help laughing. (= I couldn't stop myself from laughing.)
We can't help thinking that they're lying to us.

Nikoliv: I couldn't help LAUGH.; I couldn't help TO LAUGH.


I'm sorry, Brian is very clumsy. He can't help it. (= He can't help being clumsy./There's nothing he can do about being clumsy.)
Brian's always staring at Hannah. He's in love with her so he can't help himself. (= He can't stop himself from staring at her.)

When I'm listening to this music, I can't help dancing and singing.

Nemoci si pomoci:
I can't help dancing.
I can't help singing.
I can't help myself.
Když poslouchám tuhle hudbu, nemůžu si pomoci a musím tancovat a zpívat.
When I'm listening to this music, I can't help dancing and singing.

Ann couldn't help arriving late. She couldn't do anything about the traffic jam.

Nemoci změnit situaci:
She couldn't help arrive arriving late.
Ann nemohla za to, že přijela pozdě. S dopravní zácpou nemohla nic dělat.
Ann couldn't help arriving late. She couldn't do anything about the traffic jam.

Will you please repair it? – It's impossible, I can't help it.

Nemoci změnit situaci:
I can't help it.
There's nothing I can do about it.
Opravíš to prosím? – To nepůjde, nic s tím nenadělám.
Will you please repair it? – It's impossible, I can't help it.


Pomoci někomu Nemoci si pomoci
I couldn't help her move. I was too busy.
I couldn't help crying. I was really upset.

Nikoliv: help her MOVING, couldn't help CRY

Nemohu ti pomoci s placením.
I can't help you pay.
Nemůžu se ubránit smíchu.
I can't help laughing.
I can't help doing = I can't help but do


I couldn't help asking how much the car cost.
Nešlo se nezeptat, kolik stálo to auto.
I couldn't help but ask how much the car cost.
They can't help thinking he's making it up.
Nemůžou se ubránit dojmu, že si to vymýšlí.
They can't help but think he's making it up.

As we watched the film, we couldn't help but tear up.

Nemoci si pomoci:
We couldn't help but tear up.
We couldn't help tearing up.
Při sledování toho filmu jsme se neubránily slzám.
As we watched the film, we couldn't help but tear up.

Mom couldn't help but notice Tom was getting sick.

Nemoci si pomoci:
She couldn't help but notice it.
She couldn't help noticing it.
Mamka si nemohla nevšimnout, že se Tomášovi přitěžuje.
Mom couldn't help but notice Tom was getting sick.
I can't help it if something happens

Pokud chceme vyjádřit, že někdo za něco nemůže, není to něčí chyba apod., použijeme CAN'T/COULDN'T HELP IT IF...:

I can't help it if they fire you.
Nebude to moje vina, když tě vyhodí.
Kelly couldn't help it if her voice was shaking.
Kelly nemohla zabránit tomu, aby se jí nechvěl hlas.

Lin's my colleague, but I can't help it if I fancy her.

I can't help it if I fancy her.
I can't help fancying her.
Lin je moje kolegyně, ale nemůžu si pomoci, když se mi líbí.
Lin's my colleague, but I can't help it if I fancy her.

You can't help it if you're not feeling well. We'll have to postpone the trip.

You can't help it if you're not feeling well.
You can't help not feeling well.
Necítíš se dobře, s tím nic nenaděláš. Budeme muset výlet odložit.
You can't help it if you're not feeling well. We'll have to postpone the trip.

Sloveso HELP používáme také, když žádáme o něco k jídlu/pití nebo ho nabízíme. Porovnejte:

Can I help myself to another piece of cake? (= Can I take for myself…?)
Can I help you to another piece of cake? (= Can I offer/give you…?)
Můžu si dát kafe?
Can I help myself to coffee?
Můžu ti nabídnout čaj?
Can I help you to tea?

Could I help you to some more ice cream?

Nabízet někomu:
Could I help you to ice cream?
Could I offer you ice cream?
Mohu vám nabídnout ještě zmrzlinu?
Could I help you to some more ice cream?

Can we help ourselves to your apple pie? – Yes, of course. Have as much as you like.

Dát si:
Can we help ourselves to your pie?
Can we have your pie?
Můžeme si dát tvůj jablečný koláč? – Ano, samozřejmě. Vezměte si, kolik chcete.
Can we help ourselves to your apple pie? – Yes, of course. Have as much as you like.

Vazby se slovesem HELP – nejdůležitější body:

Pomoci někomu
I help him cook.
I help him to cook.
Nemoci si pomoci
I can't help laughing.
I can't help but laugh.
I can't help it if I like you.

Doporučujeme si procvičit vazby se slovesem HELP v našich cvičeních.