Dream of doing, thank me for... (B2)

Verb + preposition + object (449)

Slovesa s předložkou a předmětem

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na slovesa, která používáme s předložkou (dream of, thank for, think about...) a některá navíc i s předmětem:

Sloveso + předložka Sloveso + předmět + předložka
Nick dreams of having a house on the beach.
He thanked me for recommending the real estate agent.
He's thinking about buying a house.
I congratulated him on buying the property.

Slovesa s předložkou a předmětem – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Nick thanked me for helping him with the furniture.

Thank somebody for doing something:
He thanked me for helping him.
Nick mi poděkoval za pomoc s nábytkem.
Nick thanked me for helping him with the furniture.
Dream of doing, insist on doing...

Běžná slovesa s předložkou:

He admitted to stealing the car.
He apologised for coming late.
He doesn't approve of drinking alcohol.
He believes in doing things the right way.
He confessed to stalking me.
He decided against ordering dessert.
He's always dreamt of becoming famous.
He didn't feel like going swimming.
He insisted on paying for the drinks.
He's looking forward to seeing you soon.
He objects to staying here another day.
He was planning on leaving the company.
He relies on getting a pay rise.
He succeeded in getting his driver's license.
He's thinking about living in Europe.
Přiznávám, že se bojím.
I admit to being scared.
Věřím, že se má říkat jen pravda.
I believe in only telling the truth.
Sním o tom, že budu kosmonautkou.
I dream of being an astronaut.
Mám chuť na sushi.
I feel like eating sushi.
Těším se na plachtění.
I'm looking forward to sailing.
Podařilo se mi složit zkoušku.
I succeeded in passing the exam.

In the end, I decided against sleeping outside.

Decide against doing sth:
I decided against sleeping outside.
Nakonec jsem se rozhodl, že venku spát nebudu.
In the end, I decided against sleeping outside.

The Canadian confessed to scamming several elderly people.

Confess to doing sth:
He confessed to scamming them.
Kanaďan se přiznal, že podvedl několik starších lidí.
The Canadian confessed to scamming several elderly people.

Po předložce můžeme použít:

Has the boy apologised for breaking the window?

Has he apologised for breaking it?
Has he apologised for the window?
Has he apologised for what he did?
Omluvil se ten chlapec za rozbití okna?
Has the boy apologised for breaking the window?

Justin and Katy are planning on catching an early bus.

They're planning on catching it.
on catch
on to catch
Justin a Katy mají v plánu jet brzo ráno autobusem.
Justin and Katy are planning on catching an early bus.
Dream of somebody doing, insist on somebody doing...


Annie dreams of flying to Australia.
Annie sní o tom, že poletí do Austrálie.
Annie dreams of her boyfriend flying to Australia too.
Annie sní o tom, že její přítel také poletí do Austrálie.
She insisted on going there.
Trvala na tom, aby tam šla.
She insisted on him going there.
Trvala na tom, aby tam šel on.

I disagree with this. I object to you spending so much on shoes!

I object to you spending... Jsem proti tomu, abys ty utrácela...
I object to spending... Jsem proti tomu, abych utrácela...
S tím nesouhlasím. Jsem zásadně proti tomu, abys utrácela tolik za boty!
I disagree with this. I object to you spending so much on shoes!

Po předložce můžeme místo ME, YOU, HIM... použít formálnější MY, YOUR, HIS...:

She insisted on me going there.
Trvala na tom, abych tam šel.
She insisted on my going there.
I'm looking forward to you taking me out.
Těším se, až mě někam vezmeš.
I'm looking forward to your taking me out.
Have you thought about him moving in with you?
Přemýšlela jsi o tom, že by se k tobě nastěhoval?
Have you thought about his moving in with you?
Spoléhám se na to, že mě odveze.
I rely on him driving me.
Spoléhám se na to, že mě odveze.
I rely on his driving me.

Do you approve of them travelling instead of settling down?

Do you approve of them travelling?
Do you approve of their travelling?
Schvalujete, že cestují, místo aby se usadili?
Do you approve of them travelling instead of settling down?
Thank somebody for doing, congratulate somebody on doing...

Běžná slovesa s předmětem + předložkou:

He accused her of stealing the money.
He blamed Liz for losing the keys.
He wants to congratulate us on our marriage.
He discouraged him from giving up.
He forgave you for betraying him.
He kept me from finding out the truth.
He prohibited them from speaking out.
He won't stop us from calling the police.
He suspected James of murdering the girl.
He thanked everybody for helping him.
He warned them against hiring the man.
Obvinil jsem ho z podvádění.
I accused him of cheating.
Poblahopřál jsem jim k vítězství.
I congratulated them on winning.
Odpustil jsem jí, že mi lhala.
I forgave her for lying to me.
Děkujeme, že jste ho našli!
Thank you for finding him!

I warned you against surfing in that spot. It's full of rocks.

Warn somebody against doing sth:
I warned you against surfing.
Varoval jsem tě, abys na tom místě nesurfoval. Jsou tam samé kameny.
I warned you against surfing in that spot. It's full of rocks.

Do you think this commercial is shocking enough to discourage people from smoking?

Discourage somebody from doing sth:
Will it discourage them from smoking?
Myslíš, že je tato reklama dostatečně šokující, aby lidi odradila od kouření?
Do you think this commercial is shocking enough to discourage people from smoking?

Olly shouldn't blame herself for what happened. It wasn't her fault.

Blame somebody for sth:
She shouldn't blame herself for it.
Olly by si neměla vyčítat, co se stalo. Nebyla to její vina.
Olly shouldn't blame herself for what happened. It wasn't her fault.

Are you suspecting Thomas of slashing the tires?

Suspect somebody of doing sth:
Are you suspecting Thomas of slashing them?
Podezíráte Thomase, že prořízl pneumatiky?
Are you suspecting Thomas of slashing the tires?
Thank somebody for → somebody is thanked for...


Činný rod Trpný rod
We should thank David for getting us out of the trouble.
David should be thanked for helping us out.
A man stopped me from entering the site.
I was stopped from entering the side.
The police will accuse them of murder.
They will be accused of murder.

Because of jellyfish, we're prohibited from going into the water.

We're prohibited from going there.
They prohibit us from going there.
Kvůli medúzám máme zakázáno chodit do vody.
Because of jellyfish, we're prohibited from going into the water.

Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s předložkou a předmětem (verb + preposition + object) v našich cvičeních.