The girl smiling, the bike locked... (B1)

Participle clauses (363)

Zkracování vět pomocí -ING a -ED

Hlavní přehled

Zkracování vět pomocí -ING a -ED (participle clauses) – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další související lekci: Vedlejší věty s ING (B1)

I noticed a pretty girl smiling at me.

I noticed a girl who was smiling at me.
I noticed a girl smiling at me.
Všimnul jsem si, jak se na mě usmívá hezká dívka.
I noticed a pretty girl smiling at me.

Tzv. vedlejší vztažné věty (= věty, které začínají na WHO, WHICH, THAT...) můžeme někdy zkrátit pomocí -ING a -ED:

Do you know the man who is standing in front of the shop?
Znáš toho muže, který stojí před obchodem?
Do you know the man standing in front of the shop?
Znáš toho muže stojícího před obchodem?
Do you know the man who was injured in the car accident?
Znáš toho muže, který byl zraněn při autonehodě?
Do you know the man injured in the car accident?
Znáš toho muže zraněného při autonehodě?

Větu můžeme zkrátit pouze tehdy, pokud je rozvíjené podstatné jméno (the man) podmětem vedlejší věty:

I know the man who is standing there. (= I know the man. The man is standing there.)
I know the man standing there.

Whose is the bike locked next to the entrance?

Whose is the bike that is locked there?
Whose is the bike locked there?
Čí je to kolo zamčené vedle vchodu?
Whose is the bike locked next to the entrance?

The boy riding the skateboard is my youngest son.

The boy who is riding it is my son.
The boy riding it is my son.
Chlapec, který jezdí na skateboardu, je můj nejmladší syn.
The boy riding the skateboard is my youngest son.
The girl smiling, the dog barking...

Vedlejší větu je často možné zkrátit pomoc -ING, pokud se něco odehrává v danou dobu nebo pořád (trvale):

Probíhající děj
The woman (who is) waiting at the front desk is my sister.
The gentlemen (who are) sitting in the conference room are the CEOs of the company.
Were you scared of the dog (which was) barking outside?
Trvalý děj
I can't remember the name of the Italian (who is) living with Peter.
The hotel (that is) standing near the beach is rather expensive.
Let's go to a viewpoint (which is) overlooking the city!

Can you hear somebody knocking on the door?

Probíhající děj:
Can you hear somebody who is knocking?
Can you hear somebody knocking?
Slyšíš, jak někdo klepe na dveře?
Can you hear somebody knocking on the door?

The room overlooking the sea was absolutely perfect for us.

Trvalý děj:
The room that was overlooking the sea...
The room overlooking the sea...
Pokoj s výhledem na moře byl pro nás naprosto ideální.
The room overlooking the sea was absolutely perfect for us.

The brunette lying in the hammock is Joe's fiancée Ciarra.

Probíhající děj:
The brunette who is lying there is Ciarra.
The brunette lying there is Ciarra.
Ta brunetka ležící v houpací síti je Joeova snoubenka Ciarra.
The brunette lying in the hammock is Joe's fiancée Ciarra.
The bike locked, the building damaged...

Vedlejší věty zkrácené pomocí třetího tvaru slovesa (locked, damaged, stolen...) mají trpný význam:

The person (who was) murdered on Monday was a policeman.
Osoba, která byla v pondělí zavražděna, byl policista.
The building (that was) damaged in the earthquake will be demolished.
Budova, která byla poškozena zemětřesením, bude zbourána.
The painting (which was) stolen last week is worth a fortune.
Obraz, který byl minulý týden ukraden, má obrovskou cenu.


The guy (who is) parking on the driveway will leave soon.
Whose is that scooter (which is) parked on my driveway?
The people (who are) speaking now are from Wales.
English (which is) spoken in Wales is difficult to understand.
American (who was) selling the boat wanted a million dollars for it.
The boat (which was) sold yesterday belonged to an American.

The soldier killed during the attack was only 25 years old.

Trpný význam:
The soldier who was killed during the attack was 25.
The soldier killed during the attack was 25.
Vojákovi, který byl zabit při útoku, bylo pouhých 25 let.
The soldier killed during the attack was only 25 years old.

Unfortunately, the famous band invited to the festival won't be able to play.

The band that was invited to the festival won't play.
The band invited to the festival won't play.
Slavná kapela pozvaná na festival bohužel nebude moci hrát.
Unfortunately, the famous band invited to the festival won't be able to play.

That's the red car driven by the thief, isn't it?

That's the car driving driven by him.
To je to červené auto, které řídil zloděj, že ano?
That's the red car driven by the thief, isn't it?

Zkrácené věty se často používají s vazbou THERE IS/THERE ARE:

Were there many people (who went) shopping at the weekend?
There's a bus (which is) parked right in front of the gate.

Look! There are dolphins swimming close to us.

There are dolphins that are swimming...
There are dolphins swimming...
Podívej! Blízko nás plavou delfíni.
Look! There are dolphins swimming close to us.

Be quiet, there's a baby sleeping here.

There's a baby who is sleeping here.
There's a baby sleeping here.
Buďte potichu, spí tu miminko.
Be quiet, there's a baby sleeping here.

Větu můžeme zkrátit, pokud je rozvíjené podstatné jméno (the French, a house...) podmětem vedlejší věty:

The French who was talking to me was funny. (= The French was talking to me.)
The French talking to me was funny.
We have a house which was built in 1990. (= A house was built in 1990.)
We have a house built in 1990.

Last night I was awakened by a dog barking loudly.

I was awakened by a dog that was barking. (= A dog was barking.)
I was awakened by a dog barking.
Včera v noci mě probudil hlasitý štěkot psa.
Last night I was awakened by a dog barking loudly.

The tourist bitten by a snake needs an ambulance as soon as possible.

The tourist who was bitten by a snake, needs it. (= The tourist was bitten.)
The tourist bitten by a snake needs it.
Turista uštknutý hadem potřebuje co nejdříve záchranku.
The tourist bitten by a snake needs an ambulance as soon as possible.

Větu nelze zkrátit, pokud není rozvíjené podstatné jméno podmětem vedlejší věty:

The French who I was talking to was funny. (= I was talking to a French.)

Neříkáme: The French talking to was funny.

The friends who I'm missing so much are coming to visit me soon!

The friends who I'm missing are coming. (= I'm missing the friends.)
The friends missing...
Kamarádky, po kterých se mi tolik stýská, mě brzy přijedou navštívit!
The friends who I'm missing so much are coming to visit me soon!

Is this the same pizza that you were recommending to me?

Is this the pizza that you were recommending? (= You were recommending the pizza.)
Is this the pizza recommending...?
Je to ta samá pizza, kterou jsi mi doporučoval?
Is this the same pizza that you were recommending to me?

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