Sloveso MIND – procvičování:
Did you mind taking the van instead of flying? – Not at all, I didn't mind.
Did you mind to take taking the van?
Sloveso MIND často používáme v těchto konstrukcích:
Do you mind waiting here?
Would you mind waiting here?
Would you mind me asking you?
Would you mind my asking you?
Po MIND (vadit) používáme sloveso s ING:
Do you mind calling back in an hour?
Nevadilo by ti zavolat za hodinu? |
Did they mind picking up Tom?
Nevadilo jim vyzvednout Toma? |
Nikoliv: mind to call, mind call
MIND používáme především v otázkách a záporných větách:
Do you mind waiting here?
Nebude ti vadit, když tu počkáš? |
I don't mind taking care of your dog.
Nevadí mi starat se o tvého psa. |
Do you mind getting up early in the morning? – No, we don't mind.
Do you mind getting up early?
mind to get up |
mind get up |
Po WOULD MIND používáme sloveso s ING:
Would you mind waiting here?
Mohl bys tu na mě počkat? |
I wouldn't mind postponing our date.
Nevadilo by mi odložit naše rande. |
Porovnejte WOULD MIND s podobnými vazbami – WOULD LIKE/LOVE/PREFER:
Would you mind postponing it?
Would you like to postpone it?
Would you prefer to postpone it?
I forgot my wallet. Would you mind paying for me?
Would you mind to pay paying?
Would you like to go swimming with us? – Not really, we'd prefer to stay at the hotel.
Would you like to go?
I'd prefer to stay.
MIND/WOULD MIND používáme, když žádáme, aby někdo něco udělal:
Do you mind turning it off?
| Nevadilo by ti, kdybys to vypnul? |
Would you mind turning it off?
WOULD MIND je o něco zdvořilejší než MIND.
MIND/WOULD MIND také používáme, když žádáme o svolení, abychom mohli něco udělat:
Do you mind me turning it off?
| Nevadilo by ti, kdybych to vypnul? |
Would you mind me turning it off?
Do you mind doing it? (= Do you mind if you do it?)
Do you mind me doing it? (= Do you mind if I do it?)
S MIND/WOULD MIND se obvykle používá kladná otázka:
Do you mind helping?
Would you mind leaving?
Nikoliv: Don't you mind...?, Wouldn't you mind...?
Would you mind feeding the animals? – No, not at all!
Would you mind feeding them?
Wouldn't you mind...? |
Porovnejte záporné a kladné odpovědi:
Do you/Would you mind...? |
No. I don't mind. (= I'm happy with that.)
Yes. I mind. (= I'm not happy with that.)
Would you mind us giving you a few questions? – No, I don't mind.
Nevadí mi to: |
No, I don't mind.
I'm happy with that.
That's ok.
Do you mind if my dog stays inside? – Yes, I do mind. You'll have to leave it outside.
Vadí mi to: |
Yes, I do mind.
I'm not happy with that.
Po (WOULD) MIND se někdy používá vedlejší věta s IF:
Would you mind if I asked you?
Nevadilo by ti, kdybych se tě zeptal? |
I hope they don't mind if we ask.
Doufám, že jim nebude vadit, když se zeptáme. |
Po (WOULD) MIND můžeme použít ME, HIM, US... + ING nebo MY, HIS, OUR... + ING:
Would you mind if I asked you?
Would you mind me asking you?
Would you mind my asking you?
Do you mind if he opens the window?
Do you mind him opening the window?
Do you mind his opening the window?
I hope they don't mind if we ask.
I hope they don't mind us asking.
I hope they don't mind our asking.
Konstrukce s MY, HIS, OUR... je poměrně formální.
I hope you're ok with me hoovering here. – No, I don't mind you doing it.
I don't mind you doing it.
I don't mind your doing it.
I don't mind if you do it.
Do you mind if we sit here? We'll be quiet.
Do you mind if we sit here?
Do you mind us sitting here?
Do you mind our sitting here?
Would you mind my turning the air conditioning off? – No, not at all.
Would you mind my turning it off?
Would you mind if I turned it off?
Do you want to watch a comedy? – I don't mind. I don't mind watching anything.
Chceš se dívat na komedii? – Nevadí mi to. Nevadí mi dívat se na cokoli. |
What do you want to watch? – It doesn't matter. You can pick a movie.
Na co se chceš dívat? – Na tom nezáleží./Je to jedno. Klidně nějaký film vyber. |
The movie won many awards. – I don't care. I don't want to watch it.
Ten film vyhrál mnoho ocenění. – Je mi to jedno/Nezajímá mě to. Nechci se na něj dívat. |
Steve and I don't mind living near the airport. We got used to the noise.
Nevadí nám to: |
We don't mind living here.
We don't matter... |
What would you like to eat? – It doesn't matter. You pick something.
Nezáleží na tom: |
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't mind. |
It doesn't care. |
MIND někdy používáme s významem – dbát na něco; dávat pozor; všímat si:
Don't mind me. I'll just check the gas meter.
Don't mind me.
Don't pay any attention to me.
MIND nepoužíváme s významem – pamatovat si; nezapomenout:
Please remember to lock the back door.
Nezapomeňte zamknout zadní dveře. |
Nikoliv: Please MIND locking...
Did Linet remember to pick up the flowers from the florist?
Nezapomenout: |
mind remember
Užitečná spojení s MIND:
never mind
to nevadí; nic se neděje |
mind your own business
starej se sám o sebe |
mind your language
dávej si pozor na jazyk |
I'm sorry about the glass. – Never mind, don't worry about it.
Never mind.
It's okay.
Sloveso MIND – nejdůležitější body:
Do you mind doing it? (= Do you mind if you do it?)
Do you mind me doing it? (= Do you mind if I do it?)
Do you mind my doing it? (= Do you mind if I do it?)
Doporučujeme si procvičit sloveso MIND v našich cvičeních.
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