Must have done, should have done... (B2)

Past modal verbs (424)

Minulá modální slovesa

Hlavní přehled

Minulá modální slovesa – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další související lekce:


John must do it.
John to musí udělat.
John must have done it.
John to musel udělat. (= Určitě to udělal.)

Our team can't have won yesterday's game. They must have lost.

Mluvíme o minulosti:
They can't have won.
They must have lost.
Náš tým nemohl včerejší zápas vyhrát. Museli prohrát.
Our team can't have won yesterday's game. They must have lost.

Minulá modální slovesa (past modal verbs) odkazují do minulosti:

They can't have won yesterday. (= It's not possible that they won.)
They must have lost yesterday. (= I'm sure they lost.)

COULD, MUST, SHOULD... + minulý infinitiv (= HAVE + třetí tvar slovesa):

He must have done it.
She must have played.
They must have watched it.
Mohla jsem jí pomoct.
I could have helped her.
Určitě jsi zkoušku úspěšně složil.
You must have passed the exam.
Měli jsme zamknout dveře.
We should have locked the door.
Byli by cestovali více.
They would have travelled more.

Minulá modální slovesa používáme pro vyjádření současného názoru nebo postoje na nějaký minulý děj. Může se např. jednat o možnost, jistotu, nejistotu, lítost apod.:

I could have left my phone in the pub.
Je možné, že jsem mobil nechal v hospodě. (= možnost)
I must have left it there.
Určitě jsem ho tam nechal. (= jistota)
Before leaving the pub, I should have checked to see if it was in my pocket.
Před odchodem z hospody jsem se měl podívat, jestli ho mám v kapse. (= litujeme, že se to neudělalo)
Could/may/might have happened = možná se stalo

Pokud chceme říct, že se něco v minulosti možná stalo, použijeme COULD/MAY/MIGHT + minulý infinitiv:

Why is Andy late? – I'm not sure, he could have gotten stuck in traffic.
Proč má Andy zpoždění? – Nejsem si jistý, možná uvízl v dopravní zácpě.
Andy may have forgotten about the meeting or he might have overslept.
Je možné, že Andy na schůzku zapomněl nebo zaspal.

COULD vyjadřuje větší pravděpodobnost než MAY/MIGHT.

The newspaper reports at the time said the murderer might have had an accomplice.

He might have had an accomplice.
Maybe he had an accomplice.
Novinové články tehdy uváděly, že vrah mohl mít komplice.
The newspaper reports at the time said the murderer might have had an accomplice.

I've seen loads of horror movies and this one could have been the scariest.

This one can have been could have been the scariest.
Maybe this one was the scariest.
Viděla jsem spoustu hororů a tenhle mohl být ten nejděsivější.
I've seen loads of horror movies and this one could have been the scariest.
Could/might have happened = mohlo se stát (ale nestalo se)

COULD/MIGHT + minulý infinitiv vyjadřuje, že se něco mohlo stát, ale nestalo se:

You could have waited for us.
Mohl jsi na nás počkat. (= mírné zklamání)
You might have asked at least.
Mohl ses alespoň zeptat. (= výčitka)
You could have gotten seriously injured.
Naštěstí ses vážně neporanil. (= úleva)
You might have brought them a present.
Mohl jsi jim přinést dárek.

Why didn't David compete? He could have beaten everybody.

Mohlo se stát, ale nestalo se:
He could have beaten everybody.
He could have won.
Proč David nezávodil? Mohl všechny porazit.
Why didn't David compete? He could have beaten everybody.

The fireworks went off unexpectedly. Someone might have been injured.

Mohlo se stát, ale nestalo se:
Someone might have been injured.
Someone could have been injured.
Ohňostroj nečekaně odstartoval. Někdo mohl být zraněn.
The fireworks went off unexpectedly. Someone might have been injured.
Can't/couldn't have happened = určitě se nestalo

Pokud jsme přesvědčeni, že se něco určitě nestalo, nemůže být pravda nebo je to velmi nepravděpodobné, použijeme CAN'T/COULDN'T + minulý infinitiv:

I saw your husband on Friday. – It can't have been Alex, he's abroad.
V pátek jsem viděla tvého muže. – To nemohl být Alex, on je totiž v zahraničí.
Olivia couldn't have gone home yet. Her coat is here.
Olivia ještě určitě nešla domů. Její kabát je tady.

CAN'T vyjadřuje větší jistotu než COULDN'T.

Must have happened = určitě se stalo

Pokud jsme přesvědčeni o tom, že se něco určitě stalo, musí být pravda nebo je velmi pravděpodobné, použijeme MUST + minulý infinitiv:

Where is my cake? – Somebody must have eaten it at night.
Kde je můj dort? – Někdo ho v noci určitě snědl.
Their holiday looked amazing. It must have been very expensive.
Jejich dovolená vypadala úžasně. Musela být velmi drahá.

Pouze MUST a CAN'T vyjadřuje, že se něco určitě stalo/nestalo. MUSTN'T a CAN takto obvykle nepoužíváme, výjimkou je MUSTN'T v americké angličtině:

Určitě se stalo Určitě se nestalo
It must have been expensive.
They can't have been expensive.
They mustn't have been expensive. (AmE)

Nikoliv: It can have been expensive.

The boy can't have understood. I'm certain about it because he doesn't speak English.

Určitě se nestalo:
He can't have understood.
I'm certain he didn't understand.
Ten chlapec tomu nemohl rozumět. Jsem si tím jistý, protože nemluví anglicky.
The boy can't have understood. I'm certain about it because he doesn't speak English.

I'm quite sure I couldn't have left the window open.

Menší jistota:
I'm quite sure. I couldn't have left it open.
Větší jistota:
I'm absolutely sure. I can't have left it open.
Jsem si celkem jistá, že jsem to okno nemohla nechat otevřené.
I'm quite sure I couldn't have left the window open.

The American asked me for directions. He must have taken me for a local.

Určitě se stalo:
He must have taken me for a local.
Ten Američan se mě zeptal na cestu. Musel mě mít za místní.
The American asked me for directions. He must have taken me for a local.

Thomas can't have done it, he mustn't have stolen the money. He wasn't even at the party!

Určitě se nestalo:
He can't have done it.
He mustn't have done it. (AmE)
He can't have stolen it.
He mustn't have stolen it. (AmE)
Thomas to nemohl udělat, peníze určitě neukradl. On na té oslavě ani nebyl!
Thomas can't have done it, he mustn't have stolen the money. He wasn't even at the party!
Should have happened = mělo se stát (ale nestalo se)

Pomocí SHOULD + minulého infinitivu obvykle vyjadřujeme lítost nebo výčitku, že se nestalo, co se stát mělo, nebo co by bylo správné:

My hands are full. I should have taken a shopping cart. (= I didn't do it, it would have been better with a cart.)
A virus damaged all my files. We should have backed them up. ( = We didn't do it, it would have been a smart thing to do.)
You should have waited because that car had the right of way. (= You didn't wait, even though it would have been the right thing to do.)
Shouldn't have happened = nemělo se stát (ale stalo se)

SHOULDN'T + minulý infinitiv vyjadřuje lítost, že se stalo, co se stát nemělo:

I shouldn't have been eating all those sweets at night. (= I regret eating the sweets.)
You shouldn't have told him that. (= I think it was a bad idea to do it.)
I shouldn't have bought such a pricey car. (= I regret buying the car, it was a bad idea.)

You should have brought an umbrella. I told you it was going to rain.

Nestalo se, co se stát mělo:
You should have brought it.
It was a bad idea that you didn't bring it.
Měla sis vzít deštník. Říkal jsem ti, že bude pršet.
You should have brought an umbrella. I told you it was going to rain.

Starting our own business is something we should have done years ago.

Nestalo se, co se stát mělo:
We should have done it years ago.
I regret we didn't do it years ago.
Už dávno jsme měli založit vlastní podnik.
Starting our own business is something we should have done years ago.

The pizza is too greasy. You shouldn't have added lashings of olive oil.

Stalo se, co se stát nemělo:
You shouldn't have added oil.
It was a bad idea that you added oil.
Pizza je příliš mastná. Neměl jsi přidávat ta kvanta olivového oleje.
The pizza is too greasy. You shouldn't have added lashings of olive oil.
Needn't have happened = nemuselo se stát (ale stalo se)

NEEDN'T + minulý infinitiv použijeme, když někdo něco udělal, ale až později se dozvěděl, že to bylo zbytečné:

Ellen needn't have called me.
Ellen mi nemusela volat. (Zavolala, i když to nebylo nutné, to ale Eva nevěděla. = Zavolala zbytečně.)
They needn't have come to work on Saturday.
V sobotu do práce nemuseli chodit. (Přišli do práce, i když to nebylo nutné, to ale nevěděli. = Přišli zbytečně.)

NEEDN'T + minulý infinitiv použijeme také, když se něco stalo zbytečně:

Chris needn't have died.
Chris nemusel zemřít. (= Zemřel zbytečně.)

I needn't have packed my flip-flops. I didn't wear them at all.

Udělat něco, i když to bylo zbytečné:
I needn't have packed them.
I packed them. It was unnecessary.
Nemusela jsem si balit žabky. Vůbec jsem je nenosila.
I needn't have packed my flip-flops. I didn't wear them at all.

We needn't have come so early. There are no decent waves yet.

Udělat něco, i když to bylo zbytečné:
We needn't have come early.
We came early. It was pointless.
Nemuseli jsme přijet tak brzy. Ještě nejsou žádné pořádné vlny.
We needn't have come so early. There are no decent waves yet.

If John had been strapped in, his injuries needn't have been fatal.

Stalo se zbytečně:
His injuries needn't have been fatal.
Kdyby byl John připoutaný, nemusela být jeho zranění smrtelná.
If John had been strapped in, his injuries needn't have been fatal.
Would have happened = stalo by se

Pokud mluvíme o minulosti, která se mohla stát, ale nestala se, použijeme WOULD + minulý infinitiv:

Adam would have found a better job easily, but he was too lazy for that. ( he didn't find a better job.)
Adam by si snadno našel lepší práci, ale na to byl příliš líný.
I would have travelled more when I was younger. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time.
Byl bych cestoval víc, když jsem byl mladší. Bohužel jsem na to neměl čas.
You would have slept better if you hadn't drunk so much coffee.
Byl bys spal lépe, kdybys nevypil tolik kávy.

WOULD HAVE má někdy podobný význam jako COULD HAVE a MIGHT HAVE. WOULD vyjadřuje větší jistotu než COULD/MIGHT:

If you had asked her out, she would have said yes. (= 100% certain)
If you had asked her out, she could have said yes. (= a possibility)
If you had asked her out, she might have said yes. (= a slight possibility)

I would have gone by train, but everybody else preferred to fly.

Mohlo se stát, ale nestalo se:
I would have gone by train.
Byl bych jel vlakem, ale všichni ostatní chtěli raději letět.
I would have gone by train, but everybody else preferred to fly.

Without the map, we would have gotten lost.

Určitě by se stalo:
Without it, we would have gotten lost.
Možná by se stalo:
Without it, we could have gotten lost.
Without it, we might have gotten lost.
Bez mapy bychom se ztratili.
Without the map, we would have gotten lost.
Must've, could've, might've...

V hovorové angličtině se HAVE často zkracuje:

Plný tvar Hovorové
must have
could have
might have
should have
would have
Velmi hovorové

Jeff must've left his sunscreen at home. He should've asked me to lend him mine.

He must have left it there.
He must've left it there.
He musta left it there.
Jeff si musel doma nechat opalovací krém. Měl mě požádat, abych mu půjčil svůj.
Jeff must've left his sunscreen at home. He should've asked me to lend him mine.

You could've called me. If I had known you were coming, I would've cleaned up a little.

You could have called.
You could've called.
You coulda called.
Mohla jsi mi zavolat. Kdybych věděl, že přijdeš, tak bych tu trochu poklidil.
You could've called me. If I had known you were coming, I would've cleaned up a little.

Minulá modální slovesa – shrnutí:

He could/may/might have done it. Možná to udělal.
He could/might have done it. Mohl to udělat (ale neudělal).
He can't/couldn't have done it. Určitě to neudělal.
He mustn't have done it. (AmE)
He must have done it. Určitě to udělal.
He should have done it. Měl to udělat (ale neudělal).
He shouldn't have done it. Neměl to udělat (ale udělal).
He needn't have done it. Nemusel to udělat (ale udělal to, protože nevěděl, že se to nemusí udělat).
He would have done it. Byl by to udělal (= neudělal to).

Doporučujeme si procvičit minulá modální slovesa (past modal verbs) v našich cvičeních.