Spojky v kondicionálech – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme také lekce:
If it isn't too hot tomorrow, we'll take the dogs for a hike.
If it isn't too hot... |
Unless it's too hot... |
As long as it isn't too hot... |
V kondicionálech (= podmínkových větách) používáme často spojky IF a UNLESS:
If I'm free, I'll help you.
Jestliže budu mít volno, pomůžu ti. |
Unless I'm too busy, I'll help you.
Jestliže nebudu mít moc práce, pomůžu ti. |
Ve formálnější angličtině se používají také spojky AS/SO LONG AS, PROVIDED (THAT) a SUPPOSING (THAT):
As long as I am free, I will help you.
Pokud budu mít volno, pomůžu ti. |
Provided that you are free tomorrow, will you help me?
Za předpokladu, že zítra budeš mít volno, pomůžeš mi? |
Supposing you are free tomorrow, would you help me?
Kdybys měl zítra volno, pomohl bys mi? |
Supposing that I rent a car, I can take you to the airport.
Supposing (that) I rent... |
Provided (that) I rent... |
If I rent... |
V kondicionálech používáme nejčastěji IF (pokud; jestliže) a UNLESS (pokud ne; jestliže ne):
If it doesn't rain, I'll go out.
Pokud nebude pršet, půjdu ven. |
Unless it rains, I'll go out.
Spojka UNLESS je svým významem negativní, obvykle ji může nahradit IF NOT nebo EXCEPT IF (s výjimkou toho, že):
I'll swim unless there are big waves.
Budu plavat, pokud nebudou velké vlny. |
I'll swim if there aren't big waves.
I'll swim except if there are big waves.
Nikoliv: unless there AREN'T
If the hotel isn't too far, they'll walk there.
If it isn't far... |
Unless it's far... |
Except if it's far... |
Unless Daniel is invited, Rita won't come.
Unless he isn't is invited... |
Pokud mluvíme o něčem nereálném, je možné použít pouze IF NOT, ne UNLESS:
He would visit you if he didn't have the flu. (reality = He has the flu.)
Navštívil by tě, kdyby neměl chřipku. |
If I hadn't loved her, I wouldn't have married her. (reality = I loved her.)
Kdybych ji nemiloval, byl bych si ji nevzal. |
Nikoliv: ...unless he had the flu.; Unless I had loved...
Rozdílům mezi UNLESS a IF NOT se více věnujeme v lekci: Unless or if not?
I'd have bought a skateboard if Ellen hadn't lent me one.
...if she hadn't lent me one. |
...unless she had lent me one. |
Namísto IF můžeme ve formálnější angličtině použít AS LONG AS a SO LONG AS (pokud; pod podmínkou, že):
I will let you drive as long as you do not go too fast.
Nechám tě řídit pod podmínkou, že nepojedeš příliš rychle. |
So long as you drive fast enough, we will not be late.
Pokud pojedeš dost rychle, nebudeme mít zpoždění. |
Kelly will not play tennis so long as she still doesn't feel well.
...so long as she doesn't feel well. |
...if she doesn't feel well. |
Can you return the clothes only as long as you haven't removed the tags?
...as long as you haven't removed them? |
...so long as you haven't removed them? |
AS LONG AS používáme také při srovnávání času nebo fyzické délky:
You can keep the bike for as long as you need.
Kolo si můžeš nechat tak dlouho, jak jen budeš potřebovat. |
Your legs aren't as long as mine so the bike might be too big for you.
Tvoje nohy nejsou tak dlouhé, jako ty moje, takže by pro tebe kolo mohlo být příliš velké. |
SO LONG AS takto nepoužíváme: so long as you need, so long as mine
As long as I can remember, I have had this scar since childhood.
Čas: |
So long as As long as I can remember... |
V kondicionálech také používáme spojky odvozené od sloves PROVIDE (poskytovat) a SUPPOSE (předpokládat):
provided (that)
providing (that)
suppose (that)
supposing (that)
Provided that it rains, what would we do?
Pokud (= Předpokládejme, že) by pršelo, co bychom dělali? |
I will go skiing providing it snows.
Na lyže pojedu, pokud bude sněžit. |
What would we do suppose that it doesn't rain?
Co bychom dělali, pokud (= za předpokladu, že) by nepršelo? |
Supposing it is sunny, would you sunbathe with me?
Předpokládejme, že bude slunečno, budeš se se mnou opalovat? |
You can wait for me in the office provided you keep quiet.
...provided you keep quiet. |
...providing you keep quiet. |
SUPPOSING/SUPPOSE má podobný podmiňovací význam jako WHAT IF (co kdyby; představ si, že):
Supposing it doesn't rain, what would we do?
What if it doesn't rain, what would we do?
Supposing that I make dinner tonight, will you wash up afterwards?
Supposing that I make...? |
Suppose I make...? |
What if I make...? |
Ve vedlejší větě začínající na IF, UNLESS, AS LONG AS... nepoužíváme obvykle WILL/WOULD:
If we run, we can still catch the bus.
Pokud poběžíme, můžeme ten autobus ještě stihnout. |
They'll miss the bus unless they leave now.
Zmeškají autobus, jestli nevyrazí hned. |
Nikoliv: If we WILL run...; If we WOULD run...
Provided you study hard next year, we will get you a laptop.
Provided you will study... |
Supposing you will study... |
If I didn't exercise regularly, I couldn't get fit.
If I wouldn't didn't exercise... |
Porovnejte použití čárky mezi větami:
If I lived in Japan, I'd eat a lot of sushi.
I'd eat a lot of sushi if I lived in Japan.
Nikoliv: I'd eat sushi, if...
Unless we cook the fish today, it'll be spoiled tomorrow.
Unless we cook it, it'll be spoiled.
It'll be spoiled unless we cook it.
Alex will fly to New Zealand in June as long as he finds a cheap ticket.
He'll fly as long as he finds it.
As long as he finds it, he'll fly.
Spojky v kondicionálech – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr:
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