Slovesa smyslového vnímání (sensory verbs) – procvičování:
We listened to the band practicing before the concert. They are absolutely amazing!
Část děje: |
We listened to them practicing.
Celý děj: |
We listened to them practice.
Slovesa smyslového vnímání (see, listen, feel...) můžeme použít s dalším slovesem v infinitivu nebo s ING, pokaždé ale s trochu odlišným významem:
I saw Adam run.
= He ran and I saw that. I saw the whole action. |
I saw Adam running.
= He was running and I saw that. I saw part of the action. |
Všimněte si také předmětu (Adam) mezi slovesy.
Did you see them jump from the cliff? It's pretty high.
Celý děj: |
Did you see them jump?
Po slovesu smyslového vnímání SEE používáme infinitiv (do, repair, drink...), když jsme viděli probíhat celou činnost nebo děj:
Did you see him repair the bike?
= Did you see the whole repair from beginning to end? |
We want to see you drink the whole bottle of water at once.
= We want to see the whole action, not just part of it. |
To samé platí pro slovesa: WATCH, OBSERVE, HEAR, LISTEN, FEEL, SMELL a NOTICE
Why have you suddenly looked up? – I thought I felt a raindrop fall on me.
Celý děj: |
I felt it fall on me.
I noticed Alex sign the contract, but then he erased his signature.
Celý děj: |
I noticed him signing sign... |
We should listen to them talk about the new project. I'd love to listen to the whole thing.
Od začátku do konce: |
We should listen to them talk... |
Don't worry. Amanda will watch Max swallow the pill.
Celý děj: |
She'll watch him swallowing swallow... |
Pokud je hlavní sloveso (see, hear, observe...) v trpném rodě (is seen, was seen...), používáme s ním infinitiv s TO:
Jack was seen to enter the building.
Jack byl viděn, jak vchází do budovy. |
Jack was heard to say this to his wife.
Jack se nechal slyšet, že to říká své ženě. |
Nikoliv: Jack was seen enter...; Jack was heard say...
He was seen to enter it.
People saw him enter it.
He was heard to say this.
People heard him say this.
Johnny Depp has been heard to say that he may be moving to Australia.
He has been heard say to say it.
They have heard him say it.
A thief was seen on camera to steal the laptop.
He was seen to steal it.
They saw him steal it.
Po slovesech smyslového vnímání (see, hear, notice...) používáme sloveso s ING, pokud jsme viděli, pozorovali, slyšeli apod. část děje nebo jeho průběh, ne ale nutně celý děj:
I saw him repairing the bike.
= I saw him when he was in the middle of repairing the bike. |
When I came home, I heard Tommy and Kim arguing.
= I heard part of the argument. |
Have you noticed the man staring at you?
= Have you noticed that he's staring at you? |
Did you wake up because you heard me snoring?
Část děje: |
Did you hear me snoring?
When I was at the beach, I saw the American girl kitesurfing.
Část děje: |
I saw her kitesurfing.
Celý děj: |
I saw him kitesurf.
We listened to them talking about their travels in South America. It sounded amazing!
Část děje: |
We listened to them talking.
Celý děj: |
We listened to them talk.
A friend of mine noticed me walking towards the bus stop and waved at me.
He noticed me walking.
He noticed me as I was walking.
Slovesa smyslového vnímání – nejdůležitější body:
Celý děj: |
I saw him run.
Část děje: |
I saw him running.
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa smyslového vnímání (sensory verbs) v našich cvičeních.
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