Vazby následované ING – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další související lekce:
Do you want to go kickboxing on Friday? – Sure, how about watching a movie afterwards?
Aktivita: |
go kickboxing
Návrh: |
How about watching a movie?
Vazby a výrazy následované ING (expressions followed by ING):
What about flying to Japan?
We had a good time visiting Tokyo.
Did you have difficulty finding the hotel?
I don't have an excuse for coming late.
It was a waste of money buying that luggage.
We'll be busy planning our holiday.
I want to go sightseeing and shopping.
It's no good trying to persuade me.
I can't help laughing.
I can't stand waiting.
It isn't worth waiting for Robert. He'll be busy working until at least 5 pm.
It isn't worth to wait waiting.
He'll be busy to work working.
Pomocí HOW/WHAT ABOUT + ING navrhujeme:
How about driving there? (= Let's drive there!)
What about getting a cat? (= I suggest we get a cat.)
Více o vazbách tohoto typu v lekci: How about...? Why don't...?
I don't feel like cooking today. How about ordering pizza for dinner?
How about ordering pizza?
What about ordering pizza?
Pokud chceme říct, že si někdo něco (ne)užívá nebo také, že je to obtížné/snadné apod., použijeme HAVE A/AN ... TIME + ING:
I had such a good time surfing. (= I had a lot of fun surfing.)
Surfování jsem si moc užil. |
Did you have a difficult time standing up on the board?
Bylo pro tebe obtížné se na prkně postavit? |
I had an easy time standing up.
Snadno jsem se postavil. |
It was my fourth time surfing, but my first time standing up.
Surfoval jsem po čtvrté, ale na prkně jsem se postavil poprvé. |
Did you have a hard time getting your driving licence?
have a hard time getting it
have an easy time driving
Pomocí HAVE DIFFICULTY/TROUBLE + ING vyjádříme, že je něco obtížné nebo problematické:
We didn't have difficulty (= we didn't have a hard time) finding the embassy.
Jessie had trouble passing (= it was hard for Jessie to pass) the exam.
Please let me know if you have difficulty booking your tickets.
have difficulty booking tickets
have trouble booking tickets
Pokud máme na něco výmluvu, použijeme HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR + ING:
I don't have an excuse for not coming on time.
Nemám výmluvu, proč jsem nepřišel včas. |
Pokud máme k něčemu důvod, použijeme HAVE A REASON FOR + ING:
What reason do you have for being late?
Z jakého důvodu ses opozdil? |
He'd better have a good reason for not joining us tomorrow.
He has a reason for not joining us.
He has a reason for staying in bed.
You always have an excuse for not being able to go jogging!
You have an excuse for not being able to go.
A WASTE OF ... + ING použijeme, pokud se plýtvá něčím cenným (časem, energií, talentem...):
It was such a waste of time going on a date with her.
Byla to úplná ztráta času jít s ní na rande. |
I knew it would be a waste of energy trying to convince him.
Věděl jsem, že budu jen plýtvat energií, pokud se ho budu snažit přesvědčit. |
Buying flowers was a waste of money.
Zbytečně jsi za ty květiny vyhodil peníze. |
Můžeme také použít sloveso WASTE ... + ING:
I wasted time going on a date.
I knew I would waste energy trying to convince him.
You're only wasting time attempting to fix the washing machine. You should have it fixed by somebody who knows what they're doing.
You're wasting time attempting it.
It's a waste of time attempting it.
Pokud nějak trávíme čas nebo nás něco zaměstnává, použijeme SPEND + TIME + ING nebo BE BUSY (WITH) + ING:
Do you usually spend several hours a day studying English?
Gina will be extremely busy preparing for the final exams.
Everybody was busy packing.
Our children are spending way too much time playing video games.
They're spending time playing games.
They're busy playing games.
Pokud mluvíme o činnosti, kterou děláme pro zábavu (obvykle sport nebo nějaký koníček), použijeme GO + -ING:
Více o vazbách se slovesem GO v lekcích:
Why don't we go blueberry picking on Sunday?
go blueberry picking
go hiking
go skiing
Pokud něco stojí za to, použijeme BE WORTH + ING:
It was worth visiting the museum. (= It was good/interesting enough to visit.)
Pokud něco nestojí za to/je na nic, použijeme BE NOT WORTH/GOOD/USE + ING:
It wasn't worth visiting. (= It wasn't good/interesting enough to visit.) It was a waste of time and money.
It's no good trying to persuade us. (= It's not very useful or effective.) We have already decided.
It's no use packing a jacket. It's going to be hot.
Lze také říct: THERE IS NO POINT IN + ING (There's no point in packing it.)
Více o výrazech, které vyjadřují, že něco (ne)stojí za to, (ne)má smysl apod. v lekci: It is no use, no good, not worth it...
The beach wasn't worth going to. It was incredibly crowded and not very nice.
The beach wasn't worth going to.
It wasn't worth going to the beach.
Pokud chceme vyjádřit, že se někdo není schopný něčemu ubránit (smíchu, pláči, myšlence...), použijeme CAN'T/COULDN'T HELP + ING:
Don't get angry with her, she can't help being clumsy. (= There's nothing she can do about being clumsy.)
When I saw his new haircut, I couldn't help laughing. (= I couldn't stop myself from laughing.)
We can't help thinking they're lying to us.
Více o vazbách se slovesem HELP v lekci: Help to do, can't help doing...
I can't help smiling when I'm with Kaira. She always puts a smile on my face.
I can't help smiling.
I can't help laughing.
I can't help looking at her.
Pokud chceme říct, že někdo něco nemůže vystát, použijeme CAN'T/COULDN'T STAND + ING:
Thomas can't stand living (= he can't bear to live) with Blake anymore.
Thomas nesnese nadále bydlet s Blakem. |
I couldn't stand working with Amanda.
Nemohl jsem s Amandou vydržet pracovat. |
I can't stand Aaron snoring. I'll have to get earplugs.
I can't stand him snoring.
I couldn't stand sleeping next to him.
Doporučujeme si procvičit vazby následované ING (expressions followed by ING) v našich cvičeních.
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