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1 | nejpopularnejsi lekce 00mostpopular /anglictina-online/uplni-zacatecnici-00/nejpopularnejsi-lekce word compare porovnavani slov Nejpopulárnější lekce (00) |
131 | borrow, lend a1borrowlend /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/borrow-lend word compare porovnavani slov Borrow, lend (A1) |
132 | maybe, may be a1maybemaybe /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/maybe-may-be word compare porovnavani slov Maybe, may be (A1) |
133 | whose, who's a1whosewhos /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/whose-whos word compare porovnavani slov Whose, who's (A1) |
134 | too, to a1tooto /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/too-to word compare porovnavani slov Too, to (A1) |
135 | beat, win a1beatwin /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/beat-win word compare porovnavani slov Beat, win (A1) |
136 | its, it's a1itsits /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/its-its word compare porovnavani slov Its, it's (A1) |
137 | there, their, they're a1theretheirtheyre /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/there-their-theyre word compare porovnavani slov There, their, they're (A1) |
139 | let, lets, let's a1letletslets /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/let-lets-lets word compare porovnavani slov Let, lets, let's (A1) |
140 | come, go a1comego /anglictina-online/zacatecnici-plus-a1/come-go word compare porovnavani slov Come, go (A1) |
190 | at the end, in the end a2attheendintheend /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/at-the-end-in-the-end word compare porovnavani slov At the end, in the end (A2) |
195 | on time, in time a2ontimeintime /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/on-time-in-time word compare porovnavani slov On time, in time (A2) |
207 | forget, leave a2forgetleave /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/forget-leave word compare porovnavani slov Forget, leave (A2) |
208 | bring, take a2bringtake /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/bring-take word compare porovnavani slov Bring, take (A2) |
209 | clothes, a cloth... a2clothescloth /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/clothes-a-cloth word compare porovnavani slov Clothes, a cloth... (A2) |
211 | altogether, all together a2altogetheralltogether /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/altogether-all-together word compare porovnavani slov Altogether, all together (A2) |
212 | last, least a2lastleast /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/last-least word compare porovnavani slov Last, least (A2) |
213 | predlozky behind, after a2behindafter /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/predlozky word compare porovnavani slov PředložkyBehind, after (A2) |
214 | predlozky before, in front of a2beforeinfrontof /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/predlozky2 word compare porovnavani slov PředložkyBefore, in front of (A2) |
220 | off, of a2offof /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/off-of word compare porovnavani slov Off, of (A2) |
221 | out, outside, out of a2outoutof /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/out-outside-out-of word compare porovnavani slov Out, outside, out of (A2) |
222 | how...? what...like? a2howwhatlikequestions /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/how-whatlike word compare porovnavani slov How...? What...like? (A2) |
223 | also, too a2alsotoo /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/also-too word compare porovnavani slov Also, too (A2) |
229 | casove predlozky for, since a2forsince /anglictina-online/mirne-pokrocili-a2/casove-predlozky word compare porovnavani slov Časové předložkyFor, since (A2) |
301 | finish, end b1finishend /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/finish-end word compare porovnavani slov Finish, end (B1) |
302 | begin, start b1beginstart /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/begin-start word compare porovnavani slov Begin, start (B1) |
304 | small, little b1smalllittle /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/small-little word compare porovnavani slov Small, little (B1) |
305 | big, large, great b1biglargegreat /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/big-large-great word compare porovnavani slov Big, large, great (B1) |
306 | back, again b1backagain /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/back-again word compare porovnavani slov Back, again (B1) |
307 | finally, at last... b1finallyatlastintheend /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/finally-at-last word compare porovnavani slov Finally, at last... (B1) |
308 | been, gone b1beengone /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/been-gone word compare porovnavani slov Been, gone (B1) |
341 | like, as b1likeas /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/like-as word compare porovnavani slov Like, as (B1) |
345 | unless, until b1unlessuntil /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/unless-until word compare porovnavani slov Unless, until (B1) |
346 | by, until b1byuntiltillsofar /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/by-until word compare porovnavani slov By, until (B1) |
347 | spojky unless, if not b1unlessifnot /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/spojky2 word compare porovnavani slov SpojkyUnless, if not (B1) |
349 | budouci cas will, going to b1willgoingtofuture /anglictina-online/stredne-pokrocili-b1/budouci-cas word compare porovnavani slov Budoucí časWill, going to (B1) |